Hello, hope this is not to long,
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 22:07:55 -0800
From: dos386 <dos...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] USB support, USB portable HD?,music
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

> installing FreeDos, into a new portable HD, usb I just
> bought, it is sangsun,320GB....

cca 250 MiB ???
> Anyone whom has successfuly installed FreeDos to a portable USB HD ?
NO. Why not the internal HD ???

> ..please give me any tips or instruction..

Thank you for this link, it appears to be loaded with info,... Just to answer 
the question,Why not just put freedos
on the HD?...(instead of a portable HD), I already have 
free dos on my HD, I also wanted to,( and have done so,),put it on a portable 
HD, because I often use other
computers, besides the the one at home,and none of them
have any Dos, much less FreeDos,they are all windows...
well,ok they do have the command prompt,that windows offers,...but that is not 
much,....try writeing a batch file with CHOICE, options in it useing the 
command prompt, that you get with windowsXP.....you will get
a invalid command...so with freedos on my portable HD,
I have FreeDos, I can boot with it if I want..and never
effect the HD on the computer,as I am useing my HD,and just the key board, and 
screen of the borrowed computer,
..since most people use 
just windows,and very few people use Dos,anymore...
 I imagen, there may be a few others, that also would
like to be able to  do stuff with Dos,or freedos, and probely the computer 
where they work dose not have FreeDos, and the BOSS might like it very much if 
create a partition and install it...ok, well many people
have a laptop, and bring it to work,if one prefers Dos,
they can have it on theyre laptop,for me it is easier
to carry a small portable HD,in my pocket, then a laptop,but yea, I also have 
FreeDos on my laptop,..part 
of my reasons for wanting to put it on a portable HD,
was just to see if I could,,....it also works real well
on just a Datastick,...but sometimes with some stuff it
says not enuff memory, (ram I guess)....
 Well some one asked why, and thats more or less why...
it is a long explanation,..but actually I left alot out..and then I was not 
sure if the comment "no",was to say one can not do it, or no, he dose not know 
anyone whom has,...
  I still would be interested in hearing from anyone
else, whom has done this, or is trying to,...
 As I mentioned I never did succeed installing to the portable HD from the 
install CD,...I made several partions,...and then the one I wanted to use for 
FreeDos,(also was the firstpartion I loaded a OS too)..
I formated it with the FreeDos on the "home PC",and used
a HD (actually just the partition) copying tool to copy,
 the partition, off the big PC to the portable......
and it worked....it booted when I used the boot from USB device, opt. in my 
bios settings....but later I kind of messed things up when I tried installing 
other OS's to the portable HD,..and a boot manager(XOSL)...I ended up useing 
grub for dos,...and have, MS dos7.1..also this
Hirens Bootcd....but those do not have not have anything
to do with freedos,except that I find they are compatible,.since maybe or 
probley no one,or very few persons may have any interest in this...I dont want 
to getlonger into boreing details....however, as I said I would like to here 
from anyone that is interested
or has some experience with this,as there are still some 
problems I have not solved,..feel free to e-mail me....
I am working on a webb page,but it still is not really
set up to good...and that is also another subject...
 But here is the address,e-mail: garryricket...@yahoo.com
 What about HTML editors,for DOS ?...I have used the one 
in ARACHNE...but wonder what else is available...
and then I wonder if anyone knows of a web host that is 
real simple...not like Google,yahoo...ect....one that
just offers the hosting...I dont really even care about
a domain name...I would like one that I can simpley write my HTML docs,(at 
home), then upload the Docs,with
any files...and the page is like I designed it..not like
they "design" it...or changed it to, and edited to conform to
their "templates"..well that dose not have much to do with free dos either, 
except that that is what I am looking for is a host, that is more suitable for 
stuff written useing Dos  editors..and prgrams, ect.....
hopefully someone understands what I mean....
ok well thats all for now ....thanks in advanace
from Garry

    Garrison Ricketson

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