Hello fabrizo,
 This  just came in today, in my e-mail, not sure why the delay, but 
any way,
 When I first installed free dos, mostly because I had no clue as to 
what I was doing, I had a fair amount pf problems,...now it has been 
so long ago, that I am not sure how much I remember, but am willing to 
help if I can, Below is correct, to boot from a partition, it needs to 
be set active, and it must be a primary partition, you can have 
several primary partitions, includeing, a partition dedicated to 
Windows,...it all is a little , complicated at first, but once you 
get it worked , not really,... on my website, I explain some as to 
what I did, also Eric Auer, was helpful, to me,....you may have gotten 
this worked out, since there was such a delay on my recieveing the 
freedos-user,lists or letters, feel free to email, me....or if you 
want post the :
 This is my forum, allthough I say Qbasic, it also is intended for 
freedos, and any Dos, users...not very active, but I get notified, 
when there is a post, and also check daily,....
A forum for learning Basic,Qbasic and more. In a nut shell, I am 
willing to help anyway I can, I would need to know more details, 
before I can really say, much,...but also, you need to have some sort 
of bootmanager, installed,...because, if you disactivate you windows 
partition, and activate your FreeDos partition, you can get into 
trouble, when yu try to switch back and boot with windows, I use XOSL, 
others use FDISK, some use GrubFordos,...there are some good detailed
documenst on this, but I can't remember at the moment the links,...
See bottom, below,cont.

>message 4
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2010 19:14:11 +0100
From: Fabrizio Gennari <fabrizio...@tiscali.it>
Subject: [Freedos-user] No kernel sys
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Message-ID: <4cfa84f3.6030...@tiscali.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
I installed FreeDOS on a partition of my HD, but, when booting it, it
says "Loading FreeDOS no KERNEL SYS".
When booting FreeDOS from CD, the partition is visible as C:. I even
typed again SYS C: from there.
Searching the Net, someone said the partition must be primary and have
the bootable flag set. Even in that case, it does not boot from CD.
says obscurely "a little tweaking (of the boot sector "linear 
position" / hidden sectors value) should make LBA booting on any drive
letter possible", but it does not specify what to tweak and how.
Message: 5
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2010 13:34:48 -0600
From: Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] No kernel sys
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
So I'm assuming it's a big FAT32 partition / drive then. IIRC, the
boot sector for FAT32 might be a little buggy. Make sure to try latest
kernel's SYS first. (sigh) So few volunteers, so I dunno if anyone is
available to help you (Bart??).   :-/
Like I mentioned, Eric Auer, knows a lot more on this then me, but if 
he is not available, or to busy,...feel free to contact me, either as 
I said by e-mail,my forum, or here,...a final comment, especially if 
yu don't know what you are doing, don't be stupid like me, have 
everything, you want to keep, or that is important, before, you start
fooling around with, setting up your partitions, installing a boot 
manager, etc.....the folks that know what they are doing, already know 
this,....I didn't pay attention, to the advice, and lost some work, 
had to reinstall windows, ....This is not to say Free Dos , is 
dangerous, or anything like that,..FreeDos is great, and a very 
versatile Dos Os,...what is dangerous, is if you don't know what yur 
doing....Good luck,...guess that is about it,..if you have not yet got 
this worked out, send me some details, as to exactly what you are 
trying to do,the "tweaks" are hard to give details, as everyone has
different prefrences, etc....
>From Garry
P.S.in the long run I hope someone else, with more experience, 
"vololunteers",,...but I'll do what I can

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