I've found that the usefulness of CTTY is usually limited to batch files where 
I want to hide the annoying output of some programs as they are loading:

  {load things here that I don't want to see the output of}

Make sure you don't forget the CTTY CON at the end, or you won't be able to 
control the computer any more.

There are/were several commercial "remote control" programs that allowed you to 
completely control a DOS computer remotely over a serial connection (LapLink, 
Carbon Copy, CO/Session, possibly others).  With these programs, you could run 
almost any program remotely, even those that put the screen into extended 
graphics modes.  You might be able to get hold of an old version of these for 
next to nothing on E-Bay or similar.

I also remember an old PC Magazine program called PCREMOTE.  It was free and 
even included the source code.  Several years ago, of course, PC Magazine 
stopped letting anyone download their free DOS programs any more, but you can 
probably still get hold of PCREMOTE if you're interested.  PCREMOTE had some 
limitations that the commercial programs didn't (IIRC, 9600 bps max speed, only 
25x80 text screen modes, no mouse control, not all possible keystroke 
combinations could be transferred, possibly others).  It did work well in many 
situations, though -- I found it much more useful than CTTY.

There may also be some other free/shareware remote control programs out there 
that are more sophisticated than PCREMOTE, though I'm not personally aware of 


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