
> I also have a couple of questions about UIDE.
> Question 1.
> Can we continue using the /PM switch with the new release of UIDE?

You can, but it will be ignored!   I deleted the "protected mode"
logic from UIDE in 2010, as the "standard" UIDE using XMS caching
became 96% as fast as the /P and /PM caches, from better handling
of XMS memory.   No further need for the "protected mode" logic!

> Question 2.
> Readme.Txt says "Power-saving features such as a 'drive spin-down
> timeout' should be DISABLED".   My setup (AMIBIOS Version 2.5,
> 1997) does not have a feature with that specific name, but it
> does have:
>  Hard Disk Time Out
> Is that what I should disable?

Yes.   Hard disk "time-outs" are not part of the ATA disk spec,
and many "laptop" vendors have unusual "schemes" for supporting
them.   So, there is no way I can program UIDE for all of that!

> If so, does this mean that the hard disk must keep running all
> the time if UIDE is used?

Correct, for the reason I note above.

> The setup also has the following:
>   Hard Disk Power Down Mode
>   Standby Time Out
>   Suspend Time Out
> Are these three also involved?

Yes.   ANYTHING that would cause a hard-disk or CD/DVD drive to
appear "not ready" for extended time spans should be disabled!

> Currently my pertinent FDCONFIG.SYS lines are:
>   BUFFERS=4                   ; (Recommended by Jack Ellis)
>   devicehigh=C:\FDOS\UIDE\uide.sys /S40

"Looks good to me"!   I recommend "BUFFERS=4", since UIDE caches
all directory sectors it handles, as well as data files.    This
performs MUCH better than the DOS "BUFFERS=" command, unless one
can set "BUFFERS=32" or more, which gives a "slight" increase in
speed even with UIDE.   But few systems can spare the HMA memory
for "BUFFERS=32", so using UIDE is the better "bargain"!

Also, do try /S50 or /S100, if you can afford 50-MB or 100-MB of
XMS memory assigned to UIDE.   /S40 sets only 1280 cache blocks,
while the 50/100-MB caches have 1600 cache blocks.   More blocks
gives better directory handling, as there are a LOT of directory
sectors handled by DOS, and extra cache blocks help with them.

Jack R. Ellis

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