For years, I have told people to use as much cache as
possible with UIDE, to handle today's large files and
still "leave space in the cache" for DOS directories.

Today, Tuesday 23-Aug-2011, I ran "experiments" using
a driver equal to UIDE-S, with a new 10-MB cache size
of 1280 8K-byte data blocks.   I never liked the 5-MB
cache that some users MUST have (only 640 blocks, not
enough data!) so I chose to try a 10-MB "tiny" cache.

I ran my usual test of copying a 635-MB video drivers
CD to disk.   With my regular 500-MB UIDE cache, this
test takes around 124 seconds, plus-or-minus about 2.

With only the 10-MB cache, the test took 128 seconds,
merely 4 seconds more!   I checked 25, 50, and 100-MB
caches as well, and none suffered in speed from being
small-sized!   Each performed as well, maybe a "hair"
better in some cases, as the 10-MB cache!

So, it seems I may have been "All wet!" (misinformed)
re: UIDE's cache performance v.s. cache size.   Users
may want to check this on their systems, maybe across
a variety of applications.   And I expect there are a
few "large file" systems which do need larger caches.

But, it now seems that "casual" users of DOS and UIDE
need NOT worry re: using only a 25/50/100-MB cache --
They do seem to perform a LOT better than I expected!

Jack R. Ellis

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