yes, and also from the command line: just use "devload" from the distribution.
"help devload" for more info. (devload is on the full dist.)
"locate devload" finds it on the full install set up by the full dist. .


>From: Michelle Dupuis <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:05 PM
>Subject: [Freedos-user] Loading device drivers from autoexec.bat
>and if I can add  a question 4 to the list:
>4.  Can I load device drivers from autoexec.bat?  (essentially moving my menus 
>from config.sys to autoexec.bat)
>From: Michelle Dupuis []
>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:28 PM
>Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Menu in config.sys not working
>I just found my answer in the online doc :)  so now the tougher questions:
>1. Can I have more than 9 options in a menu
>2. How does freedos know that I have picked a valid option (how do I tell 
>freedos which numbers in use)
>3. Can I have 3 nested menus?  (My current MSDOS config.sys has 3 menus, one 
>after the other)...
>From: Michelle Dupuis []
>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:16 PM
>Subject: [Freedos-user] Menu in config.sys not working
>I'm switching my MSDOS usb key to FREEDOS now, and my fancy menu system (buit 
>in config.sys) doesn't work under freedos (just scrolls right past during 
>Is the menu feature not available in the freedos version of config.sys?  Or 
>does it work differently?
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