At 09:36 PM 12/11/2011, Ralf A. Quint wrote:
> >How can I get this code to do the Right Thing?
Actually just realized that it's pretty easy, you just need to 
typecast properly all parts of the makeid macro:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef unsigned long zlong;

// all parts of the macro need to be typecast to unsigned long, or 
operation on those parts will only be performed in 16 bits, // // 
despite the overall result type of the macro being defined as an unsigned long
#define makeid(a,b,c,d) ((zlong) (((zlong)(a)<<24) + ((zlong)(b)<<16) 
+ ((zlong)(c)<<8) + (zlong)(d)))
#define ID_FORM makeid ('F','O','R','M')
#define ID_IFZS makeid ('I','F','Z','S')
#define ID_IFhd makeid ('I','F','h','d')
#define ID_UMem makeid ('U','M','e','m')
#define ID_CMem makeid ('C','M','e','m')
#define ID_Stks makeid ('S','t','k','s')
#define ID_ANNO makeid ('A','N','N','O')

int main(void)
    printf("sizeof(unsigned long) == %i\n", sizeof(unsigned long));
    printf("sizeof(long long)     == %i\n", sizeof(long long));
    printf("ID_FORM == %lu\n", ID_FORM);
    printf("ID_IFZS == %lu\n", ID_IFZS);
    printf("ID_IFhd == %lu\n", ID_IFhd);
    printf("ID_UMem == %lu\n", ID_UMem);
    printf("ID_CMem == %lu\n", ID_CMem);
    printf("ID_Stks == %lu\n", ID_Stks);
    printf("ID_ANNO == %lu\n", ID_ANNO);
    return 0;

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