Hello everyone,  I am having a hard time, figureing out how to make a ISO 
image, of the FreeDos partition on my computer.The intention is to make a image 
(ISO) I can install to Virtual Box,  I did install Freedos, to Virtual Box, 
using the tutorial posted here some time ago, But I could not figure out how to 
add files, or programs, after Freedos was installed (to Virtual Box).  So I 
resized my Linux partition,  on the HD, created a dedicated Dos partition, 
installed Freedos 1.1, (runs fine), and it was east enough to copy the 
programs/files, to the dos partition, from Linux, (linux Mint10) since it 
"reads" and mounts the partition just fine.  Ok so now I have Freedos, and the 
programs , 1 game I use, all working well , on a separate partition. So what I 
want to do is make a copy, bootable ISO, of the partition (HD),  that I could 
install in Virtual Box.   So I can run the game, or other dos programs, with 
out "closing" or shutting down, and re-booting, with dos. With VB,...It seems 
easy enough to install a ISO image to virtual box, but where I am "hung up" is 
How to make the ISO image ?-----------------------------------------------Ok, 1 
more question,  I also installed Freedos to a laptop, (Acer aspire series 150), 
runs fine, but I can not get the "touch pad ,(mouse)", or a USB mouse, to work. 
 I tried CTMOUSE, but it says it is not installed ? Do I need to download 
CTMOUSE , and add it ?  I also tried installing the USBUHCI driver, so I could 
use USBMOUSE, but it is causeing a "lockup",... (keyboard,etc) just as the 
warning says it might. So any suggestions as to what usb /mouse driver would be 
best ?  On this computer (the one I use most,and am using at this time), my 
"table" top, a old IBM, I did not have any problem with the mouse working when 
I installed Freedos, everything works fine, right from  the start. Thanks from 

Thank you and have a Good 
>From Garry                                       
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