On 4/8/2012 8:46 PM, Kenny Emond wrote:
I was finnaly able to find a packet driver for my DOS computer (ethernet connection), but for some reason Arachne shows the main page, but when I try to go to a different page, it brings up a "roadrunner" search thing. I tried to edit the wattcp.cfg file, like so:
   my_ip = dhcp
   netmask =
   gateway =
   domain_list = www.rr.com <http://www.rr.com/>
I had to use our mac to find out our router ip (it was under "dhcp" as "router"). I put the ip under the "gateway" section, which I don't know was correct. Anyway, it didn't really work, so I'm at a loss of what to do next. Arachne is at least able to connect, so I did something right. Also, what does the mtcp.cfg file do? I know it has to do with ping and other such things, but how do I use it? And how did it look originally (I accidently did something and it made the file blank)? Any help on any of these questions would be wonderful. Thanks!
                                           --- A FreeDOS User
P.S.- Please don't use any info I gave you to hack me or something like that. I'm doing this on the honour system. Thanks! Again!

I don't think anybody is going to try to hack your DOS box. But if they did, would it be a Denial of Service attack (DoS) on a DOS box? (Sorry, bad networking joke.)

I can't comment on Arachne - web browsing in DOS is way above my head. However, keep in mind that the mTCP configuration file (the name varies but it is pointed at by the MTCPCFG environment variable) is unrelated to the WATTCP.CFG file used by Arachne. mTCP and WATTCP are two different TCP/IP stacks and sets of applications. The mTCP package includes a DHCP client, PING, SNTP, Telnet client, FTP client, etc. Arachne is one of the programs using WATTCP.

For details on setting up mTCP and getting the configuration file back to a good state see "setup.txt" somewhere in one of the documentation directories. Here is a link to the online version: http://www.brutman.com/mTCP/setup.txt

At a minimum you need to tell mTCP what software interrupt the packet driver is using. This is all explained in the setup instructions.


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