I usually don't use the installers, try to install manually:

- Backup B.S. with WDE

On 2/9/13, Ray Davison <ray...@charter.net> wrote:
> A little background.  My first PC ran DOS 3.3 on a 28M HDD that I broke
> into three partitions, all primaries.  Since the extended came out every
> machine I have had has had a single primary - 2G or less, Fat 16 - with
> one or more installs of DOS and maybe Win9X.  The rest of the drive, and
> any other drives have been a single extended, which carried whatever GUI
> OSs I was running as well as apps and data.
> I just took a fresh HDD, created a 2G, primary at the front, and for the
> first time ever, that partition is FAT32.  I then created several fat32
> logicals.
> I ran the 1.1 CD.  When I got to the MBR selection at the end I selected
> the boot loader.  Boot yields "non system disk".
> Ran CD again.  Selected make floppy.  Nothing was written to the disk.
> Ran CD again.  Selected write FreeDOS to MBR.  Boot is OK.
> Should the boot loader and floppy selections be expected to work?
> TY
> Ray
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