Hi Balthasar

This looks really nice. I remember that once I was desperately looking 
for a CPI editor that would be GPL, and couldn't find any - yours would 
be really useful back then. IIRC I finally ended up using the Display 
Font Editor from Rimrock Software (1991, great tool, but commercial 
license only).

Anyway, I have a few suggestions/ideas/bug reports below, maybe you will 
find these interesting ;)

1. I haven't managed to compile it from source (but haven't tried very 
hard either, and I have very limited knowledge about how to use Turbo 
C++). I did produced an executable, but the linker was complaining a lot 
about undefined symbols, so I probably missed how to link the egavga 
lib. A section in the readme about 'how to build from source' would be 
appreciated (maybe a makefile also? this would greatly simplify the 
build process). I assume the *.prj file contains some indications, but 
looking at it with a hex editor I see there are some hardcoded paths 
there, so it's probably useful only on your system.

2. When I pressed F4, and tried to get out (escape, empty string..) I 
broke the UI and had to abort via CTRL+C. Some input checking there 
could be nice.

3. I had some troubles to get started using it - mostly because I didn't 
knew what I should do (home/end, pgup/pgdown, etc...). An in-program 
help section could be of great help. Eg. under F1 - something that would 
display a short list of keys to use.

4. The 'official' name of the program is unclear. Is it 'cpied', 'CPI 
Editor', or 'Edytor Napisów' ? All these names appear at one point or 

5. The version string is inconsistent - in the documentation and source 
code it says '1.2b', while in the program itself it states '1.2'.

6. When I want to load a file (F3), then press enter a few times, the 
input dialog stays displayed, but any new text appear much lower in the 
screen. Seems that you ignore enter if it's presses on an empty string, 
while I feel it should immediately provide some error message.

7. It's not clear how many codepages are stored in a file. To know this, 
one have to count them manually with home/end. It would be great if the 
total of avaiable code pages would be printed on screen (eg. in the 
title bar, next to the file name). Even better - having some kind of a 
menu that lists available codepages, and allows to choose the one we 
want. Such menu could be then used also to remove codepages or add new 
codepages, and it would be called like 'codepages management' or 
something like that.

8. You seem to always display 3 fixed sizes of fonts. I don't know 
anything about the CPI format, but is it possible that a CPI file could 
contain more font sizes? Or font sizes different from what you assume 
(8x8, 8x14, 8x16) ?

9. There is no CPX support, but nevertheless, it would be cool to be 
able to detect the CPX format, and provide some hints about what to do. 
Right now cpied just says 'Unsupported format, id0=0x81'. Would be great 
if it would say something like "this is CPX, not supported format, but 
if you need to edit it simply uncompress it first using UPX -d font.cpx 
-o font.cpi"


On 07/14/2013 11:51 PM, Rowery na Księżycu wrote:
> I made a CPI editor. Maybe it could be useful.
> It allows to edit the shape of the characters, remove or create fonts,
> remove or create codepages,.. It has a gui and can be controlled with the
> keyboard or mouse (if there is a mouse installed). It doesn't support *.cpx
> files yet
> download:
> http://baltixy.w.interia.pl/in05.zip
> http://baltixy.w.interia.pl/in05.htm
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