> I still haven't figured out any simple way of performing time
> polling with sub-55ms precision, so I will probably leave it as is
> (that's not a very big deal anyway).

There actually is a way to do this, but you have to combine BIOS data with I/O 
data directly from the PIT.  A little cumbersome, but possible.

> I'm suprised though, that there is well-known microsecond-grade
> sleep function provided by the BIOS (int15h AH=86h),

Actually, it's not "microsecond-grade", only "millisecond grade" (read the 
notes in RBIL).  I actually think your best option is either INT 15.83, or 
trapping INT 70h and having it increment/decrement your own internal counter.

> The 'reprogramming the PIT' subject is interesting, but I fear I
> won't have enough time to really figure all the implications to do
> it right.

I personally wouldn't recommend reprogramming the PIT -- that would be my last 
possible choice that I would use only if nothing else worked.  You can run into 
obscure and erratic compatibility problems (especially with TSR's and device 
drivers) if you reprogram the PIT.

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