
On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 3:04 PM, TJ Edmister <damag...@hyakushiki.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Dec 2013 23:29:14 -0500, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> BTW, NT 4.0 (1996?) didn't support either of those
> NT4 does support LFNs.

Not in DOS apps, I meant, no Win9x-era "int 21h, 71xxh", AFAIK.

> It supports FAT12/16 and NTFS out of the box, and
> with a patched system file it will support FAT32 also (same goes for
> NT3.51)

Is the patch officially part of some service pack or is it third-party?

>> The service packs are free, but the full releases are not. Admittedly,
>> it's not that cheap anymore (something like $199 upgrades, on
>> average??, IIRC), but there's no other choice (if you want to run
>> modern Windows software). Blame all the developers who refuse to
>> restrict themselves to a common denominator, so everyone is constantly
>> having to upgrade the OS just to support userland stuff. Even latest
>> IE won't run on anything less than Win7.
> It's not necessarily even the developers' fault, except that they use
> Microsoft's compiler, and hence Microsoft gets to determine the minimum OS
> version that things built with their compiler will run on.

You'd think XP's APIs would be "good enough" for anything reasonable,
after all these years, but no.

>> But XP is almost dead.
> XP is still widely used. Who actually still needs support from MS for a
> 12-year-old product for any reason other than to say they have it (in
> other words, ass-covering)? Surely if someone has been using it this long
> then it is getting the job done?

Eventually various projects are going to stop supporting it. The same
thing happened with Win9x and Win2k. It's not technical reasons, it's
not lack of time, it's just apathy. They don't want it to work, thus
it won't work. I don't know why, but most developers are very rigid.

>> Yeah, modern computing is a mess.
> Maybe if we wish really hard, all the folks who have been making such
> messes will forget about desktop computing in favor of consumer
> electronics (tablets/phones) and the desktop will become better for it.

Doubt it.

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