Hi Jim,

> I am concerned by this statement from Jack's email: "Take a look at
> the sources for Microsoft HIMEM or EMM386, as I have..." This is the
> first I was aware that Jack had reviewed any source code from
> Microsoft.


> When Microsoft released the source code to an earlier version of
> MS-DOS (March 2014) we mentioned it on our FreeDOS Technotes page
> <http://www.freedos.org/technotes/> with a note that "If you download
> and study the MS-DOS source code, you should not contribute code to
> FreeDOS afterwards. We want to avoid any suggestion that FreeDOS has
> been 'tainted' by this proprietary code." I have given the same
> warning in other forums.


> I see in the software list that we include these programs from Jack:
> http://www.freedos.org/software/?prog=uide
> * multi-purpose driver for UDMA, CD/DVD (IDE, no ASPI), disk caching
> http://www.freedos.org/software/?prog=xmgr
> * providing XMSv3
> So we will now need to remove XMGR from the FreeDOS distribution.

You mean because XMGR might be inspired by MS HIMEM? That risk is
indeed plausible. Luckily MS never shipped anything similar to his
UIDE drivers, so UIDE cannot be based on MS DOS source codes :-)


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