On the subject of freedos and dos-bases gui's in general did a bit of
thinking here. Managed to come up with 3 ideas though I am not sure
how useful they might be as I guess they aren't really "dos shells" to
be precise. But anway;

Firstly ages ago there was an emulator called tosbox which is an atari
ST emulator. It runs in dos but has two intresting features - firstly
from what I remember it can access dos files directly (so they show
up) but it also ran quickly on old hardware -- even an old pentium 75
could run it quickly. Though it does need an atari st rom file.
Development has long since stopped but I found a copy of the emulator
here --


Next one is a website I found which contains a "free" version of
windows. But by "free" I am meaning that it is a demo version. It is
also a very old version of windows, 3.0 . Other programs can run on it
apparently but only by modifiying a programs' exe header/descriptor
file (not sure how to do this) and inserting "DEMOAPP" in it

Last one while I think of it and I guess it really isn't quite the
right thing but there used to be an emulator (which again ran fairly
quickly) called "executor" which could run old 68k mac apps. Though
strangely it did not require the mac system disks, and neither did it
need a mac rom image -!

Unfortunatly executor has long since dropped off the internet as has
the company ardi which created it (and I think the company is possibly
defunct nowadays, not sure). Though I managed to dig up a dos version
of executor and uploaded it here:


it will ask for a authentication key and serial number once run but
looking through the wayback engine/internet archive I found a
non-expiring key/ser. number here:


apparently executor development (according to wikipedia) ended in
2005, and in 2008 became open source. Still have a few linux sources
as well;


(I did once try to compile these but with no luck).

Thats all I can think of!


On 1/30/16, dmccunney <dennis.mccun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 7:04 PM, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> BTW, didn't Google Code kick the bucket? So it's no surprise you can't
>> reach it. It's dead, Jim.
>> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2015/03/farewell-to-google-code.html
>> "We will be shutting down the service about 10 months from now on
>> January 25th, 2016."
>> P.S. But maybe they are still archiving some of it ("read-only"??) for
>> the near future:
>> https://code.google.com/archive/p/nanox-microwindows-nxlib-fltk-for-dos/
> That's essentially what happened.  The download link posted in Don
> Flowers' last message is still valid, and you can access the files.
> The Sourceforge site in G. Potthast's message appears to be the
> current repository for source, and seems to have copies of the
> binaries as well.
> ______
> Dennis
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