
On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Don Flowers <donr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do we have access to any "Free"  batch file compilers like BUILDER or like
> Seaware's EBL program?

It's usually not worth the cost to bother compiling a .BAT (otherwise
just use a full programming language like Turbo Pascal or OpenWatcom C
or whatnot). While .BAT is weak and could be improved, part of the
convenience is the easy scripting.

Having said that, the only one I remember offhand (although I don't
remember ever actively using it) is Wiering's BATCHCOM ("freeware", no


Old Simtel.net archives probably have others, but I don't remember
exactly. Let me do a quick check ....


No idea how well any of them works, though.

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