
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr.
<jer...@shidel.net> wrote:
> So far, I have gone through all of the ARCHIVER and BASE packages and have 
> corrected their LSM data.
> In those groups, these packages have not been solved.
> Unknown license information and will probably be dropped from release,

I don't know about ARJ (clone), I've never needed to use it. I (very
rarely) used UnARJ, which seems "Free" (to my naive eyes, but it's
always hard to tell). So, if you really want ARJ support, include that


EDIT: Oops, it's possibly "non-free" (although I honestly have no idea
why). Debian now seems to prefer the full ARJ (from ARJ Russia on
SF.net, which I vaguely think is the same one mentioned above as
"ARCHIVER/ARJ"; at least FD's "UTIL" ARJ is apparently that one).



ZOO is another older archive format. The only two gotchas that I
(barely) remember are that 2.01 was public domain yet lacked "higher"
compression (LZW, now patent expired). 2.10 had some weird clause
about "don't charge more than $xyz" (against Compuserve?), but that
apparently has been rescinded in recent years (as Linux distros
nowadays sometimes include it). E.g. see below for Debian, which
claims it's "public domain":


There's also (public domain) BOOZ, but that's only the unpacker. So
you could also just include that (instead) if desired.


> Missing sources,

AFAIK, it hasn't changed lately, as there is no maintainer. So just grab this:


But I haven't looked closely (thousands of files, ugh!). The only
dependency, AFAIK, is Suppl, but I think that's already included
(unlike in 0.82pl3 sources).

Hmmm, seems "suppl.tgz" is included twice, but the (.tgz) CRC fails.
Yeah, I vaguely remember that error, ugh!

So also grab Suppl from here:


And no, AFAIK, the "newer" FreeCOM version is not stable, it still had
runtime bugs (for me) when built with OpenWatcom. That port was just
never finalized, AFAIK.

> Yet to verify all packages on previously posted list in groups

Too much to do ....

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