
Although licensing discussions are usually not productive in their own
right ("shut up and code!"), and it's always a waste of time and words
rehashing the same old issues, there are some helpful web pages that
clarify (at least to me) various aspects of the computing world at

In other words, here's some links for your edification, but please
let's not devolve this into arguments, flamewars, etc. This is more
friendly advice than anything, just so some of you know what is up (if
you didn't already).

1). https://sourceforge.net/blog/the-evolution-of-open-source/
"It was during this time that Richard Stallman emerged and founded the
free software movement ...."

2). https://libreboot.org/
"Since 14 May 2016, Libreboot is part of the GNU project."

3). https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html

4). http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-non-gnu-distros.html
(It was once naively suggested that FreeDOS could eventually show up
there. That will probably not happen without a fair bit of extra
effort, though. So I'm not sure how feasible that truly is, see

5). http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html

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