On Fri, 10 Feb 2017, Eric Auer wrote:

> Looking at older FreeDOS-user discussions, people suggested
> using HDPMI16 or DOS32A, for example in resident mode, to
> work around issues with the protected mode enviroment used
> by BP (and Jazz Jackrabbit). Another suggestion was to use
> the HIMEMX /X2MAX32 option or the JEMMEX MAX=32000 MIN=32000
> settings, so this could also be a problem caused by having
> more than 16, 32 or 64 MB RAM available and / or visible,
> which the old BP may not be used to...
I must have mis-read that - I didn't realize they had an issue with BP 

>> Option 2 is:
>> Load FreeDOS with EMM386 (Expanded Memory) and SHARE loaded.
> Well in that case, as things do work with EMM386 but not with
> JEMMEX, the obvious solution is to use EMM386 for your PC :-)
Yep.  Oddly enough I had to use the "legacy" installer as the regular one 
just went nuts when trying to boot on the AMD Duron based machine I'm 

> Which version of HIMEM do you use in option 2 with EMM386? And
> how well does BP work with only HIMEM/HIMEMX, without EMM386/
Option 2 does this: (uppercase of course)
jemm386.exe x=test i=test i=b000-b7ff novme noinvlpg

> Note that JEMMEX combines HIMEM and EMM386 into a single DOS
> driver, which keeps more RAM free but which is "more exotic".
Good to know.  Thanks Eric!


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