From: Dan Schmidt <>

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I didn't try the 386 version, perhaps that will be more stable.  Also, if
you type "reset" before exiting, you can avoid "missing dos screen."  (IE -
the crash every time I exited)

Ulrich, my friend, I am not sure why you would want to run DOS in
VIrtualBox on a MacBookPro, but I am glad I could help you.  :-)  Years
ago, several other technicians laughed at me when I bought an old Pentium
for $5 saying"You can't do anything with that!" FreeDos helped me prove
them wrong.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 8:02 AM, Ulrich Hansen <> wrote:

> Am 28.01.2017 um 06:23 schrieb Karen Lewellen <>:
> To answer your question for myself, I never have this issue.  No crashes,
> and i  can spend hours working on line.  Further I have done more than my
> share of downloads with sftpd386 as well.
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2017, Dan Schmidt wrote:
> My ssh2dos is very unstable - it usually crashes on exit or after five to
> ten minutes.  Do you have this issue as well?  I am curious if I should try
> a different version of DOS.
> I made the same experience as Karen: I had SSH2D386 running more or less
> the whole morning while logged into the server. I even ran rCRtoprCL for over
> an hour to test the program. No crashes, no sudden exits.
> Other experiences:
> - As I use FreeDOS 1.2 as guest in VirtualBox, I learned that SSH2DOS does
> use the hostrCOs CPU by 100 percent. I limit the CPU execution cap in the
> VirtualBox settings to 40%, but the fan of my MacBookPro is still running
> constantly (but on a lower level than at 100%).
> - After logging into the server, I run the command "export LANG=CrCL first.
> Otherwise rCRgraphicalrCL console programs like midnight commander or
> dpkg-reconfigure will show wrong characters in SSH2DOS.
> So far so good. Thanks to you everything is working well now.
> Ulrich
> .
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<div dir="ltr">I didn&#39;t try the 386 version, perhaps that will be more
stable.-a Also, if you type &quot;reset&quot; before exiting, you can avoid
&quot;missing dos screen.&quot; -a(IE - the crash every time I exited)
-a<div><br></div><div>Ulrich, my friend, I am not sure why you would want to
run DOS in VIrtualBox on a MacBookPro, but I am glad I could help you. -a:-)
-aYears ago, several other technicians laughed at me when I bought an old
Pentium for $5 saying&quot;You can&#39;t do anything with that!&quot; FreeDos
helped me prove them wrong.</div></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><div
class="gmail_quote">On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 8:02 AM, Ulrich Hansen <span
dir="ltr">&lt;<a href="";
target="_blank"></a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote
class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc
solid;padding-left:1ex"><div style="word-wrap:break-word"><br><div><span
class=""><blockquote type="cite"><div>Am 28.01.2017 um 06:23 schrieb Karen
Lewellen &lt;<a href="";
 answer your question for myself, I never have this issue.-a No crashes, and i 
-acan spend hours working on line.-a Further I have done more than my share of 
downloads with sftpd386 as well.</span><br 
 type="cite"><div><span class=""
> Fri, 27 Jan 2017, Dan Schmidt wrote:</span><br 
> class=""><blockquote type="cite" 
> ssh2dos is very unstable - it usually crashes on exit or after five to<br>ten 
>minutes.-a Do you have this issue as well?-a I am curious if I should try<br>a 
>different version of DOS.<br></blockquote
></span></div></blockquote></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I made the 
>same experience as Karen: I had SSH2D386 running more or less the whole 
>morning while logged into the server. I even ran rCRtoprCL for over an hour to 
>test the program. No crashes, no sudden exits.</div><div><br></div><div>Other 
>experiences:</div><div><br></div><div>- As I use FreeDOS 1.2 as guest in 
>VirtualBox, I learned that SSH2DOS does use the hostrCOs CPU by 100 percent. I 
>limit the CPU execution cap in the VirtualBox settings to 40%, but the fan of 
>my MacBookPro is still running constantly (but on a lower level than at 
>100%).</div><div><br></div><div>- After logging into the server, I run the 
>command &quot;export LANG=CrCL first. Otherwise rCRgraphicalrCL console 
>programs like midnight commander or dpkg-reconfigure will show wrong 
>characters in SSH2DOS.</div><div><br></div><div>So far so good. Thanks to you 
>everything is working well 
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