Hi CChip_21,

> So, I recently got around to tinkering around with FreeDOS recently, and I
> already know some basic stuff, such as loading programs, etc. But for some
> reason, I cannot add my DVD-R drive to the list of available drives,
> especially when I'm trying to install Windows *alongside with* FreeDOS. Are
> there any commands I need to use to help get it working?

You want to read the help of SHSUCDX and you want to load a
generic IDE / SATA CD/DVD driver such as UDVD2 before that:

> http://mercurycoding.com/downloads.html#DOS

> http://adoxa.altervista.org/shsucdx/index.html

It is the same idea as with the old "drive ships with some
IDE / ATAPI driver and you load MSCDEX after that", just
more modern :-) You may have to change your BIOS settings
from AHCI to SATA if UDVD2 does not detect your DVD drive.

Note that only ISO9660 filesystems are supported by normal
SHSUCDX and MSCDEX versions. If your DVD are formatted in
UDF, you want to load something specialized for UDF instead
but ISO 9660 is still widespread for CD and DVD data :-)

Regards, Eric

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