Hi! Looking at the 720k boot disk for the installer,
I noticed that FDISKPT.INI and FDISK.INI are quite
large as the former contains many "definitions" of
unknown partition types and the latter contains only
comments and the end of file marker, so I suggest to
reduce the comments (mention that the full version is
in a zip package) and omit all unknown lines in the
partition type list (test how fdisk deals with it).

The partition type list can also do without the last
and longest column, if that is okay for fdisk: You
could truncate it or keep only a important comments,
of course testing whether fdisk is happy.

In total, you could save 20 to 30 kB.

I notice that your 720k floppy contains THREE kernel
files and only TWO of them differ from each other,
which makes it very easy to save 44 kB :-)

You also have TWO versions of FDISK, although only
one of them is used unless some manual intervention
takes place, I believe. Again 36 or 39 kB to save.

Several of the V... tools can be UPXed, saving space.

You may want to use a more lightweight COUNTRY file
(actually your 001,858 country line barely needs it)
and some smaller alternative for FC.

What is the purpose of the large slicer tool?

The saved space could be used to add drivers and tools:

Tools could include for example UNZIP and FIND and GREP,
CHKDSK and (if 386+ target audience) DOSFSCK with CWSDPMI.

Drivers could include HIMEM and UIDE, but only when you
have a boot choice between 8086 compatible and 386+ mode.
Drivers can also include UDVD2, SHSUCDX and SHSUCDHD,

I would not LOAD EMM386 while installing: It is too little
"one size fits all" for that and users can still work on
their EMM386 configuration AFTER installing.

Regards, Eric

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