Hi Haytam,

> thx for the little help but im quitting this maillist .
> Reasons :

> 1 : Not always get the right answer for everyhting like
> when i talked about a sb16 emulator they told me no body
> will make it unles they are paid for.

Which answer did you expect instead? I think the best answer
at the moment is to try SOUND-DOS (HX DOS + sound driver, see
the mail by Rober) with DOSBOX. This could give you some SB16
emulation without having to run Linux or Windows, although you
have not answered questions about Linux or Windows here yet.

> 2 : Bad mailist with no respect

It is not a lack of respect when you say "My Realtek
ethernet does not work" and somebody says "You have
to say which of the many different Realtek chips you
have, it is not possible to give advice without that".

Imagine you say "My printer needs new ink" and somebody
says "You have to tell us which model of printer it is,
then I can tell you which ink cartridges are best".

Regards, Eric

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