Hallo Tom,

>> As FreeDOS has the reputation of having slow disk I/O,

> 'reputation' meaning that Jack told you so...

Jack is indeed one pronounced critic of our I/O speed.

> indeed the FreeDOS kernel is about 2* slower then necessary
> *on rotating rust disks* ; the reason is known (1)

Because I/O is split to avoid 64 kB DMA boundaries,
into 2, at most 3 transfers, even when only floppy
would need it, according to your footnote (1).

Which means needing 2 to 3 revolutions instead of one
(a lot slower!) when doing I/O with rotating harddisks:

If your diagnosis is correct, then a read-ahead cache
with suitable settings would reduce the performance
problem a lot. Given that caches with read-ahead are
available now, the outcome of an experiment might be
that FreeDOS is not bad after all :-)

If there are other reasons for slow I/O in FreeDOS,
the experiment would show that this is not the only
problem. I admit "benchmark" is a too bold term for
the experiments I have in mind.

So if your diagnosis is correct, I guess it would not
be hard to suppress the DMA boundary avoidance logics
on harddisks by changing the kernel source:




A minimal patch would change line 1025 along the lines
of "count = DMA_max_transfer(...) if floppy, or at most
64 kB if harddisk":

> diff -u freedos-kernel-dsk.c.old freedos-kernel-dsk.c.new 
> --- freedos-kernel-dsk.c.old  2020-07-13 17:18:38.851356496 +0200
> +++ freedos-kernel-dsk.c.new  2020-07-13 17:32:04.737383666 +0200
> @@ -1021,8 +1021,15 @@
>    buffer = adjust_far(buffer);
>    for (; totaltodo != 0;)
>    {
> -    /* avoid overflowing 64K DMA boundary */
> -    count = DMA_max_transfer(buffer, totaltodo);
> +    /* avoid overflowing 64K DMA boundary, but only for floppy disks */
> +    if (!hd(pddt->ddt_descflags))
> +    {
> +      count = DMA_max_transfer(buffer, totaltodo);
> +    }
> +    else /* transfer at most 64k per call for harddisks */
> +    {
> +      count = min(totaltodo, 0x4000 / (pddt->ddt_bpb.bpb_nbyte / 4));;
> +    }
>      if (FP_SEG(buffer) >= 0xa000 || count == 0)
>      {

That does not sound like something which would have been
too complicated for FreeDOS developers to do for years?

So I expect FreeDOS to have other I/O bottlenecks instead.

AT THE MOMENT, FreeDOS does I/O from or to HMA or UMB one
sector at a time, which I expect to be REALLY SLOW. This is
due to copying all data through a tiny low memory buffer to
completely avoid all I/O involving possibly DMA-unsafe RAM:

The code for this starts immediately at the end of my patch.

If would be conceivable to have a config sys option which
enables (only for harddisk) direct I/O to and from UMB and
HMA at the own risk of the users, then see whether users
know when they can enjoy the improved UMB / HMA speed :-)

>> I would like to get that quantified a bit...

> a) why ?

To get an impression of the size of the problem and
of which areas are affected: For example I wonder if
there is an issue with large directories and whether
the MS DOS FASTOPEN cache makes sense even when general
disk caches are used next to it anyway. Also, I wonder
if FreeDOS updates the FAT more often than other DOS
when a file is growing a lot while open: I can imagine
other DOS would "pool" the updates until closing the
file and only update the FAT on disk then, which has
the side-effect of more data loss on crash while open.

> b) why don't you try to quantify this for yourself

I neither have other DOS brands at hand nor a dedicated
test system and tests on virtual machines are not very
useful for my type of question.

> benchmarks should be
>   a) well defined
>   b) easy to understand what they measure
>   c) reproducable

After finding some volunteers, I was of course going to
ask them to do exactly the same experiments multiple times
on the same hardware with different DOS kernels & caches.

I am aware that this is not "well-defined enough" to put it
on some website and compare with experiences of other users,
but it would give me some clarity about WHETHER FreeDOS is
as slow as people like Jack assume, and in which areas it is.

Regards, Eric

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