Hi everybody!

I had a thought about my more or LESS working website
which has all those ZIPs of freedos and other packages:

It would probably be more modern and not require any
website on my own to put all that on one of those modern
portals where people can browse sources and fetch and
submit changes, right?

How compatible are such websites with DOS binaries? Do
they have the possibility to do automated compiles for
users of source versions selected by the users etc.? I
do not intend to port anything to a new compiler, just
asking :-)

Which website of that type do you people recommend?

And would anybody feel like grabbing my zips, throwing
all the contens on such a site and then give me a sign
so I can open some type of virtual inbox in case people
have feedback about any of the packages now provided
as dusty static zips?

If you think this is a sign of me being very lazy: That
might be true. But on the other hand, it is also an offer
to provide support in a more modern way as soon as some
"time donor" has put the files on the platform for me :-)

See https://auersoft.eu/soft/ for the pile of zips here.
They are not that many PACKAGES, but often many VERSIONS.

https://auersoft.eu/soft/ those obviously are not BY me
at all, but many zips are versions that I HAVE patched.

https://auersoft.eu/soft/specials/ those tend to be by
me, but too off-topic to be close to the distro. Still:

Fdshield, moresys, runtime, metakern and some smaller
tools for use with installer scripts may have crossed
your paths already :-)

https://auersoft.eu/soft/specials/ features a single 2.88
MB floppy image version of an old DOS distro by Rugxulo,
pcisleep (which also does LSPCI stuff), a pre-compiled
German freecom command.com, getargs for MEMDISK and some
other obscure things. Even some old ctmouse test area.

As you see, everything there is at least 10 years old.
Yet I think there are quite a few useful packages :-)

Let me know that you think... Thank you!

Regards, Eric

PS: Maybe I should have used freedos-devel, but I think
there are more people on -user and you do not need to be
a devel to feel like helping by uploading or commenting.

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