The various Wifi232 variants seem to run about $45-$100USD.  I think
the PiModems w/a $10-$15USD PiZeroW could be made cheaper but no one
seems to be producing prebuilt versions.

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 12:04 PM Eric Auer <> wrote:
> Hi DOS people,
> those links from Louis are really interesting!
> For example the Guru Modem is a device based on the
> tiny ESP32 WROOM computer (actually sold as controller
> for WiFi and Bluetooth, but has plenty of CPU power)
> which has a serial port to connect it to your PC
> and has some modem simulation software installed.
> For the PC, it will look like a classic serial
> RS232 dial-up modem, but it will use your WiFi
> to connect to the internet, instead of actually
> connecting your computer to any phone line :-)
> As Louis has suggested a whole collection of links
> to various similar products, I wonder which of them
> are pre-assembled and which have to be assembled by
> those who buy them? Also, what are the prices? Have
> DOS users already tested the products? Which ones
> would you recommend? The general idea is very cool,
> although LAN is of course much faster than RS232.
> Regards, Eric
> PS: I guess 5 Volt from your USB port should have
> enough power for the Guru Modem? Or use a charger.
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