January 27, 2021 6:59 PM, "Bryan Kilgallin" <kilgal...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> I have been editing the OpenGEM code. It's a dog's breakfast! First it 
> assumes that I didn't put
> the OpenGEM directory where I did. Then it cross-references jumps between 
> batch files in an opaque
> way. And the writes to screen do not say where you are in this maze!

As a user of early GEM on the Amstrad 1512, this mess of batch files did not 
exist back then. I am
pretty sure this is some ugly workaround by whoever maintained OpenGEM. The 
location of GEM
directories such as GEMAPPS and GEMSYS and so on was however somewhat 
hardcoded. You could run it
from either A: or C: for sure as there is an Amstrad floppy disk that converts 
the first four
system disks to a hard drive installation of all of them at once.

January 27, 2021 7:35 PM, "dmccunney" <dennis.mccun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, how much confusion might have been avoided if you
> had placed the OpenGEM directory where the code assumed it would be?
> (And why *didn't* you place it there?)
> Most development projects make assumptions about things like that that
> you change at your peril, and you think hard about why you are
> changing things before you do it.

There are plenty of valid reasons to want to put GEM someplace else. Such as 
running it from a
network drive. Or simply to organize your filesystem to be able to efficiently 
find things.

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