Apr 15, 2021 1:10:25 PM tom ehlert <t...@drivesnapshot.de>:

>you probably meant 'OS architecture' (not CPU).

Nope, I meant CPU. You start out with an unprotected CPU architecture like the 
8086. The OS is basically just a set of hardware access libraries that 
applications can use or not as they wish (as they have direct access to the 
hardware). When a protected architecture like is the 386 is introduced (the 
286, of course, didn't have a way of running 8086 code with protection enabled) 
it immediately opens up this can of worms, because back compatibility with 
applications that access the hardware directly often requires that they 
continue to be allowed hardware access, while system stability with multiple 
legacy OS instances running tends to demand that they not be allowed hardware 
access. So there is inevitably an incremental transition process, rather than 
an immediate snapover to a fully protected environment. The PC wasn't the only 
hardware platform and DOS wasn't the only OS that this happened to.

Of course, talking about this process in the present tense, as if it's 
something that still happens today, may not be the best, as any unprotected 
architecture introduced with modern transistor budgets likely has a specific 
purpose like hard realtime and will never see a transition to a protected 
architecture, and any general-purpose architecture introduced today is almost 
certain to have memory protection.

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