
I've not had a lot of energy or motivation to work on FreeDOS lately.
So even these are a few months old. But hopefully somebody will still
find these useful. (Note that these are not proper FD "packages", only
random .ZIPs of a few local rebuilds.)

So I was messing around with AWK, SED, and REXX (as already mentioned
in older emails). I ended up rebuilding some interpreters for these
languages, so here's my alternate builds (with vanilla sources since I
didn't change any code).

* https://sites.google.com/site/rugxulo/MAWK-TC.ZIP?attredirects=0&d=1
   (308 kb)
* https://sites.google.com/site/rugxulo/HHSEDGCC.ZIP?attredirects=0&d=1
   (86 kb)
* https://sites.google.com/site/rugxulo/REG393DJ.ZIP?attredirects=0&d=1
   (3007 kb)

Since I no longer have iBiblio access, they would normally be mirrored
by me here:

* http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/unix/awk/
* http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/unix/sed/
* http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/devel/rexx/

Long story short:

1). MAWK was rebuilt with Turbo C++ 1.01. So it's smaller and is
compressed with UPX now. It also uses less memory but is a bit slower.
2). HHSED was the only SED interpreter I could get to build with
IA16-GCC. (Warning: it outputs *nix LF-only files.)
3). REGINA 3.9.3 (DJGPP 2.05) is much newer than my ancient DJGPP
build of 3.7 from 2012. But I saw no need to include Watt-32 support.

Archive List and Date Stamp 0.94.4 beta by Joe Forster/STA

Listing archive: c:\tmp\MAWK-TC.ZIP

 Original   Packed  Ratio  Date     Time    Attr Name
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
    59208     58638  99% 11-03-20 22:17:12 -A--- awk.exe
        0         0 100% 04-20-21 21:18:54 D---- old\
        0         0 100% 04-20-21 21:20:24 D---- old\mawk122s\
   244632    233401  95% 02-04-96 13:26:50 -A--- old\mawk122s\mawk122s.zip
        0         0 100% 04-20-21 21:19:16 D---- old\mawk122x\
    17982      6817  37% 07-03-93 13:58:06 -A--R old\mawk122x\copying
    44580     14145  31% 06-10-95 13:20:18 -A--- old\mawk122x\mawk.doc
     2304      1186  51% 12-17-95 16:12:24 -A--- old\mawk122x\readme
      333       240  72% 02-04-96 12:15:44 -A--- old\mawk122x\readme.1st
      619       338  54% 11-03-20 22:17:12 -A--- readme.new
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
   369658    314765  85% 04-20-21 21:20:24       7 files and 3 directories

Listing archive: c:\tmp\HHSEDGCC.ZIP

 Original   Packed  Ratio  Date     Time    Attr Name
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
      739       457  61% 11-23-20 12:13:00 -A--- hhsed.bat
    16901     16803  99% 11-23-20 11:27:28 -A--- sed.exe
        0         0 100% 04-20-21 21:29:32 D---- old\
        0         0 100% 04-20-21 21:29:58 D---- old\sed15\
     4788      2364  49% 10-01-91 16:06:40 -A--- old\sed15\readme
    20140      6878  34% 09-27-91 15:51:32 -A--- old\sed15\sedexec.c
    27511      9883  35% 09-28-91 10:01:36 -A--- old\sed15\sedcomp.c
     4612      1523  33% 09-30-91 12:49:26 -A--- old\sed15\sed.h
      950       837  88% 05-04-86 13:08:38 -A--- old\sed15\test.zip
      633       547  86% 09-20-91 14:43:02 -A--- old\sed15\tc20.zip
    23344     22987  98% 10-01-91 16:03:00 -A--- old\sed15\history.zip
    16252     16161  99% 09-22-91 11:28:36 -A--- old\sed15\docs.zip
        0         0 100% 04-20-21 21:30:44 D---- old\sed15x\
      743       466  62% 09-24-91 11:56:26 -A--- old\sed15x\readme.15x
    24949      7478  29% 09-22-91 11:28:36 -A--- old\sed15x\sed.lst
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
   141562     86384  61% 04-20-21 21:30:44       12 files and 3 directories

Listing archive: c:\tmp\REG393DJ.ZIP

 Original   Packed  Ratio  Date     Time    Attr Name
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
  2907065   2856891  98% 10-06-19 01:19:42 -A--- reg393s.zip
   223276    221880  99% 11-17-20 14:53:16 -A--- regina.exe
      125       120  96% 11-17-20 14:53:16 -A--- readme.new
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
  3130466   3078891  98% 11-17-20 14:53:16       3 files

Hopefully somebody tests these further (or mirrors them)! Obviously
I'm not an expert and don't claim to maintain them, but they should
fully work as expected.

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