Hi Jerome,

if FDIMPLES is specifically used in advanced mode, where
more data has to be processed, I would suggest to consider
automatically enabling support for XMS when XMS is found.

Do you say that the amount of required RAM does not depend on
the number of packages, but on the size of the largest ZIP? How?

> FDIMPLES was really only designed to modify the package
> list for advanced mode installs. All the the other stuff
> it does and restrictions that were added came later.
> It’s really not designed to do that.
> It really needs to just be redone.

That sounds tedious. But please explain in more detail.

> What OS let’s you boot a different OS to perform your install?

I generally agree, but it is easier for people who do not know
how to use a disk image to make our boot floppy, or are simply
too lazy because they assume DOS is DOS which may seem plausible.

Maybe the installer could test if it runs on FreeCOM and abort
with a complaint if it is not? Should be easy enough for users
to start FreeCOM and not worth the effort to automate that.

And as you say, if people load FreeCOM on top of another shell,
maybe even without having XMS drivers, it will severely limit
free RAM, so they better update their config and reboot again.

Do you require any other FreeDOS specific things apart from
FreeCOM? I assume you require working XMS and CD-ROM drivers,
but not much else, so people could use other DOS boot disks
at their own risk. A good example would be that they already
have some DOS on their harddisk and know how to configure it,
so they want to use that to run our CD installer manually.

Regards, Eric

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