Hi Tom,

On Sun, Nov 7, 2021 at 9:31 PM tom ehlert <t...@drivesnapshot.de> wrote:

> Could you please explain why you think this is relevant?
> Any fancy feature that FreeCOM is missing?
> Anything that FDBOX is doing better?

freecom does not compile/run on windows.
freecom does not compile/run on linux
freecom does not compile/run on osx.
(ok, I know all of this above is not exactly true...)
fdshell will (eventually) compile on SerenityOS.
fdshell is my hobby (more or less) for the last 20 years.

Writing a cross platform program will enable people to write from the
comfort of modern platforms - and DOS users get a new program. This is the
reason the main
build system is actually CMake (but I have a djgpp Makefile, and a TurboC
project file, and I toyed with PacificC).

Another technical issue is that the C code I use is very modern. It does
not look outdated. It passes valgrind tests on Linux. The code indentation
is verified using clang-format (or will be, I think I am not enforcing it
right now). The code is quite readable.
I added a few internal libraries which can help other people (the argument
parser, the argument split, the Posix APIs I ported to DOS). Adding C99
code (ish...)
to TurboC 2.01. For the internal command implementation I use the same idea
busybox uses (the applet part, which IMHO is very cool) is and also used by

One of the coolest parts (IMHO) I did was adding CI/CD. On every commit I
actually build the whole project (for 4 platforms, the release ZIP is the
product of such runs) and run the internal tests the build is aborted if
the tests fail). Ah, yes, the code also contains an internal unit test

>From the DOS user point of view:
It has (will?) a better command line editor, history searching like bash.
You can pass arguments for commands after the file name ("del /f *.txt" vs
"del *.txt /f"), you can add several files to all commands ("del 1.txt
2.txt *.tx1"). The "type" command can also print line numbers. The "del"
command has the same functionality of "deltree". "copy" will display
progress on large commands. "ren" and "move" are effectively aliases on
this shell.

And again - I had fun writing it. I am giving the community a present: here
- have fun with me.

> We have an existing COMMAND.COM, with no (known) problems that your FDBOX
> would solve.

 I don't understand, there is new software written for MSDOS/FreeDOS and
you are unhappy? ;-)
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