The host machine will be more than capable, as I have installed virtual
freedos on this in the past. It's a 9th gen core i7 with 32gb, (I nearly
typed 32mb!) off ram but now I've had a chance to think about it I'll
probably just do the floppy install, purely because disk swapping is fun!

I'll end this by saying I also got a surprise when the machine started
working as I was convinced it had 4Mb of ram but it turns out that it's got
8 meg!

On Tue, 29 Mar 2022, 23:00 dmccunney, <> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 2:40 PM John Vella <> wrote:
> > So, I've got the 486 computer working and am ready to install freedos
> and wordperfect.
> >
> > I'm thinking there are a couple of advantages to installing onto a
> virtualbox machine, then formatting the physical hard drive and copying the
> contents over.
> >
> > It would be a lot quicker to install and I'd have a clean image if I
> ever need to reinstall.
> What machine will VirtualBox be running on?  If your VirtualBox host
> machine can run it acceptably, you *may* have a plan.
> Getting FreeDOS working in VirtualBox can be non-trivial. Jim Hall and
> others here can provide pointers
> > Is there an obvious flaw to my plan?
> If your main intent is a quicker install, it's likely to be faster to
> just install FreeDOS and WP on the 486 on the bare metal instead of
> creating an image in VirtualBox.  (It will take the same time to do it
> in VirtualBox, with the added overhead of getting it to run in
> VirtualBox in the first place.)
> In the old days, when you got a new machine, you booted DOS from
> floppy, formatted the HD from DOS with format /s (which copied the DOS
> system files to the HD,)then removed the floppy, rebooted from the HD,
> and carried on.
> That is likely still your best option.
> Personally, were I to install FreeDOS in VirtualBox or another virtual
> machine, I'd do it because I wanted a full working FreeDOS
> installation, and I didn't *have* an Old Skool machine to do a bare
> metal install on.
> > John.
> ______
> Dennis
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