On Wed, 3 Aug 2022 at 19:57, Deposite Pirate <dpir...@metalpunks.info> wrote:
> That definitely should be the default. Perhaps some comments
> in the batch file with the file names of some of the other drivers
> just in case someone wants to run it on older hardware.

TBH I'd point them at upstream OpenGEM for now.

> It would
> also be nice if the GEM folder location was configurable by editing the
> batch file.

I think it's buried inside GEM config files somewhere. Can't readily
change that from a batch file.

 > I don't like it when the root folder in DOS is a dumping
> ground for software.

I agree.

The Verity Stob Cruft Index applies:

> I don't know what language GEM is written in. I'm guessing C. If it's
> C, it should be easy to modify it, if need be. The only challenge is
> setting up the build environment.

Nor do I. All this stuff is in Shane's batch files, though. That's all
I propose to touch.

> My 1512 still works. I am not sure GEM > 2 will run on it

I suspect it will.

> and I
> don't think the source code for the drivers for the special Amstrad CGA
> 16 color mode were ever released.

Yes they are:

> And not sure that GEM 2 programs
> (such as paint and locomotive basic) work on GEM > 2.

I think that they do now, yes.

> Furthermore, I
> think GEM 2 as shipped on the Amstrad does not run in MS-DOS. It needs
> DOS Plus.

AFAIK it runs on both.

> There's also Desqview/X but I couldn't get it to work with FreeDOS.
> Works fine in PC-DOS however.

Yes, I have a DV/X VM somewhere. However that is a 386 protect-mode
(semi-)OS and needs QEMM386.

I can't get QEMM386 to run on any modern hardware. This makes me very sad.

Also, I tried 386Max as that is now GPL, as discussed on this list.
Like QEMM, it runs fine in a VM -- but for me, 386Max locks the
machine hard (hold-down-power-switch level) on the bare metal on the 3
machines I've tried.

I have yet to try GeoWorks/Breadbox Ensemble on modern kit. That is
GPL now, too.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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