>> On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 7:27 PM Christopher Evans
>> >
>> > I uploaded updated doshexed 1.13g hex editor archive at 
>> > http://icctechconsult.com/ showcase page.

> On Wed, May 31, 2023, 10:29 AM Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing this!
>> What are the changes in 1.13g? I downloaded it, but I don't see a file
>> that contains a list of changes.

On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 4:36 PM Christopher Evans
<aaxiomfin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Only list of changes is logged in hexed.c file.

Can you be more specific? This is the comment block at the top of the
file. I downloaded the doshexed_v1.3g_freedos_2023.zip file from your
website, but it looks really old. Last updated May 2016.

 ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ** v1.0a      FEB - 10 - 2013       Hex Viewer/Editor for FreeDOS
using Borland C 3.1
 ** v1.0c      FEB - 12 - 2013       Added dosmem free check, wont
load if document
 **                                  is greater than ramavail.
 ** v1.0e      FEB - 13 - 2013       Added loadcolorcfg() as per
request from freedos-user
 **                                  list.
 ** v1.0g      FEB - 17 - 2013       Made this compile on linux,
 ** v1.1a                            Fixed ramfreeink.. so it works on linux
 ** v1.1b                       9:57p Why is pgup/pgdn/arrows not
working in linux?
 ** v1.1c      FEB - 18 - 2013 10:31  added argc == 0 to fix coredump issue.
 ** v1.1d                      13:00  Now reads multibyte terminal
keyboard codes on linux
 ** v1.1f                      14:43  Set color to 7,0 make sure
clrscr in dos works right
 ** v1.2a            21        19:04  try to get debug data in dos
version of cut()
 ** v1.2c      Apr - 3  - 2013 19:49  Took out the bootsector read
code too dangerous
 ** v1.2e      June- 11 - 2013 21:44  Minor code fixups.
 ** v1.2f      June- 26 - 2013 17:10  Removed the donation nag screen...
 ** v1.3b      Oct   10   2014 22:30
 ** v1.3g      May   5    2016 13:40  recompile dos version update
 ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------

And if I look for any file updated "2023" in that zip file, I only
find the Readme has changed:

$ unzip -l doshexed_v1.3g_freedos_2023.zip | grep 2023
> Archive:  doshexed_v1.3g_freedos_2023.zip
>       121  05-29-2023 16:56   doshexed/readme.md

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