I'm thinking about doing a video that shows how to do real work on DOS. I
sometimes see comments on YouTube with people asking "could you really do
*work* with DOS?" And the answer is *of course you can, that happened every

So I'm collecting a list of things you'd do in the 80s and 90s with DOS to
do work. Sure, I'll put a game it two in there, but I'm focusing on getting
work done.

What programs or types of programs would you like to see?


**For myself:*
*I've done some videos about DOS apps, but nothing like "here's how I did
everyday work." When I think back to my 1980s and 1990s (especially the
early 90s) I think of my time at university as a physics undergrad. So
that's a spreadsheet and a word processor for sure. Probably make a simple
chart then include that chart in a "lab report" document (or at least leave
room in the document to print it when I print on a dot matrix printer).
Probably a dialup terminal to talk to the uni committee lab? File manager.
And a compiler to write my own tools.*

*The only difference is for the video I'll try to highlight FreeDOS distro
tools as much as possible, like Doszip for the file manager. *
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