
Does the Shutdown- Command merely provide for those »spinning down« delays to...

The idea is that it is better for mechanical harddisks to first
spin down and park heads before you switch off the power supply.

Spinning down may take a moment. Also, this gives the disk the
chance finish writes from the internal cache of the disk, if it
has one and it is enabled. The latter also is useful for SSD.

If you do have a software cache with delayed writes, such as
SMARTDRV or NWCACHE with the respective features activated,
it may also be useful to wait a moment after triggering the
cache flush, but actually:

Could somebody who HAS those caches TELL me whether this is
necessary? It could also be the case that the caches do the
complete flush in a blocking way anyway. So when I give them
a hint that they should flush, they might block all other DOS
activities until they are done with flushing? In that case,
no additional delay would be necessary.

Regards, Eric

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