FYI, wehjit 0.2.0 has landed in Fedora 12.  Just `yum install

On Thu, 2010-01-21 at 09:46 -0700, Jason Gerard DeRose wrote:
> Whats new
> =========
> This release adds significant client-side functionality and several new
> widgets.  The Python API remains mostly unchanged, with the exception of
> one major addition: you can now make any state variable available
> client-side by simply creating the state descriptor with a `json=True`
> kwarg.
> For example, say you have a widget with a state variable called `stuff`:
>     class MyWidget(wehjit.Widget):
>         stuff = wejhit.Static('stuff')
> To make `stuff` available client-side, just add `json=True` like this:
>     class MyWidget(wehjit.Widget):
>         stuff = wejhit.Static('stuff', json=True)
> As far as new widgets, highlights include:
>  * Grid: an AJAX table with client-side sorting, row select (click) and
>    activate (double click) events, and asynchronous updates via
>    JSON-RPC.
>  * Dialog: a generic widget for transient client-side dialog boxes.
>  * DialogSet: controls the available Dialogs in a page.
>  * CRUDS: works in combination with Grid, Dialog, and DialogSet for AJAX
>    Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete, and Search operations.
> There is likewise quite a bit of new supporting JavaScript for the above
> widgets.
> The demo has a new "AJAX Demo" example.  However, as CRUDS must talk to
> a live JSON-RPC server, it doesn't work in the statically rendered demo.
> But you can run the demo from the source tree like this:
>     ./wehjit-demo
> Then just point your browser to
> Lastly, the Menu widget has changed and wont display the MenuItems till
> you click on the Menu (previously it displayed on mouse over).
> Download
> ========
> The source tarball, API documentation, and statically rendered demo are
> all available here:
> Updated packages for Fedora 12 and rawhide will be available in the next
> several days (yum install python-wehjit).
> An unofficial Ubuntu Karmic package is available in my PPA (apt-get
> install python-wehjit):
> Finally, you can use Bazaar to get my current code from either my
> fedorapeople page:
>     bzr branch
> Or from Launchpad:
>     bzr branch lp:wehjit
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