Rob Crittenden wrote:
Pavel Zuna wrote:
I compiled 3 patches, that effectively bring back all the functionality we had before Jasons big patch (i.e. before introducing output validation and the common output interface).

--all and --raw are back, but this time as global options
replacing DNs with primary keys is back
clever attribute printing (word-wrapping etc.) is back too

To implement --all and --raw as global options, we had to find a way to propagate additional information (apart from command name and parameters) from client to server. We extended the XML-RPC signature from:

(arg0, arg1, ..., options)


(args, options, extras)

The extras dict is currently only filled with the 'print_all_attrs' and 'print_raw_attrs' settings when forwarding a call. The server saves the extras dict into the thread specific context variable.

I also replaced the decoding table in Encoder, because it didn't really work as expected in special cases. It now uses a dont-decode function. In the case of ldap2, this function checks attribute type OIDs and returns False for binary types.

This patch introduces a little problem with the env command, because it fixes a bug/feature, that made it work before. Before outputting an attribute, we check if it isn't of type str. If it is, we assume it is binary and decode it. All values in Env are str. I propose we either write a specific output_for_cli for the env command or think about switching from str to unicode. I tried the later and it didn't cause any problems so far.

How it's supposed to work:

# ./ipa user-show admin
  User login: admin
  Last name: Administrator
  Home directory: /home/admin
  Login shell: /bin/bash

# ./ipa --all user-show admin
  dn: uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=pzuna
  User login: admin
  Last name: Administrator
  Full name: Administrator
  Home directory: /home/admin
  GECOS field: Administrator
  Login shell: /bin/bash
  Kerberos principal: ad...@pzuna
  UID: 1083719807
  GID: 1083719807
  Last password change date: 20100208132706Z
  Password expiration date: 20100509132706Z
  Member of groups: admins
objectclass: top, person, posixaccount, krbprincipalaux, krbticketpolicyaux, inetuser

# ./ipa --raw user-show admin
  uid: admin
  sn: Administrator
  homedirectory: /home/admin
  loginshell: /bin/bash

# ./ipa --all --raw user-show admin
  dn: uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=pzuna
  uid: admin
  sn: Administrator
  cn: Administrator
  homedirectory: /home/admin
  gecos: Administrator
  loginshell: /bin/bash
  krbprincipalname: ad...@pzuna
  uidnumber: 1083719807
  gidnumber: 1083719807
  krblastpwdchange: 20100208132706Z
  krbpasswordexpiration: 20100509132706Z
  memberof: cn=admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=pzuna
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: person
  objectclass: posixaccount
  objectclass: krbprincipalaux
  objectclass: krbticketpolicyaux
  objectclass: inetuser


Generally looks ok, have some questions though:

- We currently rely on the fact that binary objects are encoded as python str, it's how we determine what to base64-encode. What mechanism will we have to do that now?
I didn't (and I'm not planning to) make any changes in this matter.

What I'm saying is that the Env object stores all strings as str and the env command uses the same output_for_cli as LDAP commands, that only use str for binary. So, we either need to override output_for_cli or switch to unicode in Env.

- Is print_* the right prefix for these new global variables? It affects more than just printing in the case of all because it returns everything over XML-RPC as well.
You're right, maybe get_* or something similar would be better. I'm open to suggestions.

- Is there/should there be a way for a plugin to define its own extras? And not to be too pedantic but is extras the best description for these values? Not that I have any suggestions for an improvement :-( Perhaps global_options?
The extras dict is there to pass additional information, that is command independent. Commands probably shouldn't define their own. I say probably, because it is possible, that we're going to find out this is actually the best way to accomplish something.

Extras might not be the best description, but we need something general, because it can contain pretty much anything and not just global options.

- Why are you removing get_options() from LDAPSearch()?
Because it was only used to generate an option for the UUID attribute. Since Jason's no_create,no_update patch it isn't needed anymore, because we can just define an UUID param with these flags set.

It doesn't look like this is going to conflict too much with the parallel work I've done in regard to including member/memberof in return values, nor in the output work I've done. So you don't need to work on the individual plugins at all, I've got that ready in my tree though I'm going to hold onto it until we can get these patches committed.
Cool, that's good to hear... er, I mean read. :) I was a bit worried, because on the meeting you sounded like you spent quite a bit of time working on it and having to deal with conflicts/merges/andwhatnot because of my work wouldn't be the most appropriate reward. :)



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