JR Aquino wrote:
>> One was performance, memberOf isn't free.
>> The second was complexity. Lets say you define command R and assign it 
>> to command groups A, B and C. The admin of group B needs to tweak the 
>> command a bit so he modifies R. This could have a negative impact on 
>> command groups A and C.
>> So for simplicity he may make a command T instead. And the admins of 
>> groups A and C, having seem the problem of R changing make their own new 
>>  commands as well. So now 3 (or 4) commands all do more or less the 
>> same thing.
>> So the argument goes that for security and simplicity the admins will 
>> create their own rules every time they create an sudo rule (except 
>> perhaps in the initial config).
>> rob
> I understand the scenario presented, but that depiction doesn't sound like 
> ROLE based authorization...  That sounds more like administrative group based 
> authorization...
> Privilege escalation configuration is serious business and I would hope that 
> a responsible centralized entity inside an organization is managing these 
> rules...
> I.E. Web-Developers may need to have "sudo less, sudo grep, sudo netstat, 
> sudo top" and perhaps Application-Developers need "sudo less, sudo netstat, 
> sudo top, AND sudo custom_app.py"...  
> You wouldn't create 1 flat rule and assign it to both groups... you would 
> create multiple groups and stack them as necessary.  So perhaps web-dev's get 
> sudo_rule_read_tools, and the app-devs get BOTH sudo_rule_read_tools AND 
> sudo_rule_cust_apps.
> Roles should clearly define what rights users have within the 
> infrastructure... if they need to be 'tweaked' to accommodate others, then we 
> are talking about a completely different organizational role, one that should 
> be documented and separate from similar roles.
> If the cost of memberO if too expensive perhaps we should be writing native 
> sudoRole Objects and utilizing just the netgroup translation if compat and 
> native ipa is too costly for sudoers to exist in a new format.
> We have an opportunity here to innovate and create something really new for 
> the community rather than just gluing pieces of existing technology together.
> As it stands, it sounds like the Role Base Authorization as it applies to 
> 'can I login' and 'can I run tcpdump' are being thought of as 2 disparately 
> separate concepts/objects in the directory when in reality there are very 
> much components of the larger idea of RBAC/HBAC...
> Lets continue down the rabbit hole, it feels important to get this stuff 
> right!  ~Measure twice, cut once~
That was my vision too this is why I suggested the grouping of the
commands in the first place.
I actually agree will all your points since they were mine also.
But I am not sure how to proceed with this.
I am leaving for vacation for couple weeks on Tuesday I will try to
update the page with the alternative suggestion and schema but final
decision will probably be done when everybody is back.

> -Jr
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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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