Rob Crittenden <> wrote:
> Jan Zelený wrote:
> > Rob Crittenden<>  wrote:
> >> Jan Zelený wrote:
> >>> Recent change of DNS module to version caused that dns object type
> >>> was replaced by dnszone and dnsrecord. This patch corrects dns types
> >>> in permissions class.
> >>> 
> >>>
> >> 
> >> Nack. These values need to be added as valid types to the aci plugin and
> >> the _type_map needs to be updated.
> >> 
> >> rob
> > 
> > I'm sending an updated patch.
> > 
> > Jan
> Since dnszone and dnsrecord point to the same kind of entry what is the
> point of having two separate names for them? When we read the entry we
> aren't going to be able to differentiate between the two.

I didn't take a look how the type thing works, so I'm kinda guessing here 
(please ignore the comment if it is wrong):
Sure, object with idnszone class is always also in dnsrecord class, but that's 
not the case backwards (idnsrecord object isn't always idnszone) - so I think 
it is possible to set different ACIs for these two types.

> Can the type be made more specific?

If the mapping doesn't distinguish object classes and it can, maybe that's the 
answer. Will investagate further. But if not, I still think this is the way to 
go considering the underline issue which we tried to solve by this change.


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