Rob Crittenden <> wrote:
> Rob Crittenden wrote:
> > Jan Zelený wrote:
> >> Jan Zelený<> wrote:
> >>> Rob Crittenden<> wrote:
> >>>> Yi found a tricky way to remove required attributes that aren't
> >>>> required
> >>>> in the schema. The problem was we weren't enforcing parameter.required
> >>>> in mods (because it was enforcing that every variable with required be
> >>>> provided).
> >>>> 
> >>>> I added a new check routine that is executed after setattr/addattr
> >>>> does its work and verifies that no required parameters get skipped.
> >>>> 
> >>>> ticket 852
> >>>> 
> >>>> rob
> >>> 
> >>> Looks fine, works as expected. ACK
> >>> 
> >>> I'm just not sure whether is is necessary to call the function twice
> >>> - once
> >>> on self.params and once on self.obj.params (I get the latter one, but
> >>> I'm
> >>> not sure whether the former one is necessary).
> > 
> > Hmm, you may be right. I did it in case any of self.params had a
> > requires on it, but since this is a mod operation then I think by
> > definition it can't.
> > 
> >>> Jan
> >> 
> >> One more thing - I'm not sure whether it is necessary to add the check
> >> to LDAPCreate - I tried to create role with empty description and it
> >> failed as
> >> expected.
> > 
> > I think you're. I did it to prevent something like this:
> > 
> > # ipa group-add --desc='foo' --setattr description='' foo
> > 
> > but it is already handled.
> > 
> > I'll work up a new patch.
> > 
> > rob
> Updated patch attached.
> rob



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