On 3/1/2011 8:30 PM, Adam Young wrote:
On 03/01/2011 09:23 PM, Adam Young wrote:
Not a 100% solution, but keeps the groups-user facet from exploding.
Includes fixes for services

Some issues:

1. See these lines in associate.js:

604:    that.relationship_filter = spec.relationship_filter;

899:        var relationship_filter = 'in_' + that.entity_name;

The spec.relationship_filter is actually never used and the relationship_filter will always be in_<entity name>. For now this is not a problem because the only facet using this code is member_user, but I think 899 should be fixed to take that.relationship_filter if it's defined.

2. The description column has been removed from host's and service's enrollment dialogs, so the column widths for the remaining columns need to be adjusted (e.g. fqdn should be 200px now). Otherwise the column header will be too short (try adding a new managedby-host).

             name: 'fqdn',
             primary_key: true,
             width: '100px'

-        that.create_adder_column({
-            name: 'description',
-            width: '100px'
-        });

Endi S. Dewata

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