Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 06/02/2011 11:39 AM, JR Aquino wrote:
I need feed back from the group regarding how we should present the output for 
Clarity, the 389 Directory Server Auto Membership Plugin...

Currently, the output looks like this:

---=== EXAMPLE ===---
[root@auth2 ~]# ipa clarityrule-show testrule --all
   dn: cn=testrule,cn=automember,cn=etc,dc=expertcity,dc=com
   Clarity Rule: testrule
   Membership filter: objectclass=ipaHost
   Default Group: cn=orphans,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,dc=expertcity,dc=com
   Inclusive Regex: 
   Exclusive Regex: 
   automembergroupingattr: member:dn
   automemberscope: dc=expertcity,dc=com
   objectclass: top, automemberdefinition
---=== EXAMPLE ===---

Each rule in the definition object is broken down into 3 distinct parts: Group 
to modify, Description, Attribute + Regular Expression to match.

As time progresses it will be likely that these rules could get long and 
visually unappealing.  I would like to know how we might better represent this 

Perhaps a breakout with indentation for each unique group defined in each rule?

[root@auth2 ~]# ipa clarityrule-show testrule --all
   dn: cn=testrule,cn=automember,cn=etc,dc=expertcity,dc=com
   Clarity Rule: testrule
   Membership filter: objectclass=ipaHost
   Default Group: cn=orphans,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,dc=expertcity,dc=com
   Inclusive Regex:
             FrontEnd: fqdn=^web[1-9],
             MainSite: fqdn=^www[1-9]
             SMTP: fqdn=^mail[1-9],
   Exclusive Regex:
             blacklist: www5:fqdn=^www5\.example\.com
   automembergroupingattr: member:dn
   automemberscope: dc=expertcity,dc=com
   objectclass: top, automemberdefinition

This presentation assumes that the description is not empty.
In general case it is not true so I would suggest fixed labels even if
the values would have duplicates.

   Group: cn=webservers,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
   Regex: fqdn=^web[1-9]
   Group: cn=mailservers,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
   Regex: fqdn=^mail[1-9]
   Group: cn=webservers,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
   Regex: fqdn=^www[1-9]

Keep the indent that you proposed, it looks OK with the indent.

Just note that the code that does the rendering is extremely simplistic so control over indention may require a fair bit of work. I think indention is handled via nesting, so returning data as lists of lists may do the trick.

That or you are going to have to override output_for_cli() and do all the output manually but that should be a last resort.


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