Jan Cholasta wrote:
Dne 13.1.2012 20:53, Rob Crittenden napsal(a):
When viewing a certificate it will show the serial number as hex (dec).

# ipa service-show HTTP/rawhide.example.com
Principal: HTTP/rawhide.example....@example.com
Certificate: [snip]
Keytab: True
Managed by: rawhide.example.com
Subject: CN=rawhide.example.com,O=EXAMPLE.COM
Serial Number: 0x403 (1027)
Issuer: CN=EXAMPLE.COM Certificate Authority
Not Before: Fri Jan 13 15:00:44 2012 UTC
Not After: Thu Jan 13 15:00:44 2022 UTC
Fingerprint (MD5): e5:43:17:0d:8d:af:d6:69:d8:fb:eb:ca:79:fb:47:69
Fingerprint (SHA1):



Displaying a host or a service in the webUI fails with "IPA error 3009:
invalid 'serial_number': Decimal or hexadecimal number is required for
serial number".

I would suggest to do the nifty formatting of serial numbers on the
client side, that would fix the webUI issue, allow non-IPA clients to
parse the number without dissecting the string representation of it and
probably also save me a hack in the type conversion overhaul. You could
for example add a parameter flag like "format_serial_number" to indicate
to the client that it should format the value as a serial number.


Well, we want to do as little client formatting as possible. The idea is to have a very thin client.

I'll look into fixing the UI side.


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