On 02/28/2012 03:18 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:

ACK. Some comments:

Pushed to master, ipa-2-2

When adding attributes for filter permission it will show undo buttons.
For consistency it might be better to use Delete links instead of undo
buttons. However, instead of crossing out the values like in the details
page, the Delete links will remove the entire row just like the undo
button. We don't use undo buttons in dialogs because the values are new,
so there is nothing to undo.

OK. I used it mostly because 'delete' link kinda means that the value was there before and also undo isn't entirely bad behavior - the value is changed from nothing to something. Using such thinking we could say that other fields should have undo enabled too. We don't want that though. So you are right.

Do you think it's possible to make the fields generic enough so it can
be used with any type of widgets? So maybe instead of mapping an
attribute into multiple fields we can map a field into multiple widgets.
Fields/attributes to an entity is like columns to a table, so ideally
they shouldn't be widget specific.

We would have to change a way how we determine if a field is dirty. But it would be probably possible if we move the dirty logic to widget - which maybe better - for example we already use it in multivalued field.

Anyway this should be well thought to make it finally right.

Petr Vobornik

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