Petr Vobornik wrote:
Support for forms based authentication was added to UI.

It consist of:

1) new login page
Page url is [ipa server]/ipa/ui/login.html

Page contains a login form. For authentication it sends ajax request at
[ipa server]/session/json/login_password. If authentication is
successfull page is redirected to [ipa server]/ipa/ui if it fails from
whatever reason a message is shown.

2) new enhanced error dialog - authorization_dialog.

This dialog is displayed when user is not authorized to perform action -
usually when ticket and session expires.
It is a standard error dialog which shows kerberos ticket related error
message and newly offers (as a link) to use form based authentication.
If user click on the link, the dialog content and buttons switch to
login dialog which has same functionality as 'new login page'. User is
able to return back to the error message by clicking on a back button.

login.html uses same css styles as migration page -> ipa-migration.css
was merged into ipa.css.

Theoretically the login.html is not needed.
Sometime later we should come up with a method how to i18n static pages
and main page prior to authentication.

ACK. It looks like ipa.js in master and ipa-2-2 have diverged slightly, I'll let you push this so you can make sure everything is ok.


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