On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 15:22 +0200, Martin Kosek wrote:
> Hello all,
> In a scope of ticket 2511 I would like to implement an ability to
> delegate a DNS update permissions to chosen user (or host) without
> having to give the user full "Update DNS Entries" privileges, i.e. allow
> him to modify any DNS zone or record.
> So far, this is what I would like to do (comments welcome):
> 1) Create new objectclass "idnsManagedZone" with "managedBy" attribute
> in MAY list
> 2) Create new DNS commands:
>   a] dnszone-add-managedby [--users=USERS] [--hosts=HOSTS]
>   b] dnszone-remove-managedby [--users=USERS] [--hosts=HOSTS]
>   - these commands would add/remove chosen user/host DN to managedBy
> attribute in chosen DNS zone
> 3) Add new generic ACIs to cn=dns,$SUFFIX:
> aci: (target = "ldap:///idnsname=*,cn=dns,$SUFFIX";)(version 3.0;acl
> "Users and hosts can add DNS entries";allow (add) userattr =
> "parent[1].managedby#USERDN";)
> ... add similar ACIs for UPDATE, REMOVE access
> With these steps done, all that an administrator would need to do to
> delegate a management of a DNS zone "example.com" is to run this
> command:
> $ ipa dnszone-add-managedby example.com --users=fbar
> The only downside I found so far is that the user would already need to
> have "Read DNS Entries" permission assigned, otherwise he would not be
> able to actually read DNS entries (allow rules can't take precedence
> over deny rule we implemented to deny public access to DNS tree).
> An admin could of course create a special privilege and role with just
> "Read DNS Entries" permission and then assign it to relevant
> users/groups, but this looks awkward. Any idea to make this simpler?
> Maybe creating a group "dns readers" by default which would allow such
> access?

Change the deny rule to deny to everyone except the user in
"parent[1].managedby#USERDN" ?


Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

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