Martin Kosek wrote:
On 09/06/2012 05:55 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Rob Crittenden wrote:
Rob Crittenden wrote:
Martin Kosek wrote:
On 09/05/2012 08:06 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Rob Crittenden wrote:
Martin Kosek wrote:
On 07/05/2012 08:39 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Martin Kosek wrote:
On 07/03/2012 04:41 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Deleting a replica can leave a replication vector (RUV) on the
other servers.
This can confuse things if the replica is re-added, and it also
causes the
server to calculate changes against a server that may no longer

389-ds-base provides a new task that self-propogates itself to all
replicas to clean this RUV data.

This patch will create this task at deletion time to hopefully
clean things up.

It isn't perfect. If any replica is down or unavailable at the
cleanruv task fires, and then comes back up, the old RUV data
may be
re-propogated around.

To make things easier in this case I've added two new commands to
ipa-replica-manage. The first lists the replication ids of all the
servers we
have a RUV for. Using this you can call clean_ruv with the
replication id of a
server that no longer exists to try the cleanallruv step again.

This is quite dangerous though. If you run cleanruv against a
replica id that
does exist it can cause a loss of data. I believe I've put in
enough scary
warnings about this.


Good work there, this should make cleaning RUVs much easier than
with the
previous version.

This is what I found during review:

1) list_ruv and clean_ruv command help in man is quite lost. I
it would
help if we for example have all info for commands indented. This
user could
simply over-look the new commands in the man page.

2) I would rename new commands to clean-ruv and list-ruv to make
consistent with the rest of the commands (re-initialize,

3) It would be nice to be able to run clean_ruv command in an
unattended way
(for better testing), i.e. respect --force option as we already
do for
ipa-replica-manage del. This fix would aid test automation in the

4) (minor) The new question (and the del too) does not react too
well for

# ipa-replica-manage clean_ruv 3 --force
Clean the Replication Update Vector for

Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
consistency. Be very careful.
Continue to clean? [no]: unexpected error:

5) Help for clean_ruv command without a required parameter is quite
as it reports that command is wrong and not the parameter:

# ipa-replica-manage clean_ruv
Usage: ipa-replica-manage [options]

ipa-replica-manage: error: must provide a command [clean_ruv |
force-sync |
disconnect | connect | del | re-initialize | list | list_ruv]

It seems you just forgot to specify the error message in the

6) When the remote replica is down, the clean_ruv command fails
with an
unexpected error:

[root@vm-086 ~]# ipa-replica-manage clean_ruv 5
Clean the Replication Update Vector for

Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
consistency. Be very careful.
Continue to clean? [no]: y
unexpected error: {'desc': 'Operations error'}

[04/Jul/2012:06:28:16 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
cleanAllRUV_task: failed
to connect to repl        agreement connection


tree,cn=config), error 105
[04/Jul/2012:06:28:16 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
cleanAllRUV_task: replica

tree,   cn=config) has not been cleaned.  You will need to rerun
CLEANALLRUV task on this replica.
[04/Jul/2012:06:28:16 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
cleanAllRUV_task: Task
failed (1)

In this case I think we should inform user that the command failed,
because of disconnected replicas and that they could enable the
replicas and
try again.

7) (minor) "pass" is now redundant in
+        except ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS:
+            # We can't make the server we're removing read-only
+            # this isn't a show-stopper
+            root_logger.debug("No permission to switch replica to
continuing anyway")
+            pass

I think this addresses everything.


Thanks, almost there! I just found one more issue which needs to be
before we push:

# ipa-replica-manage del --force
Directory Manager password:

Unable to connect to replica, forcing
Failed to get data from '': {'desc':
contact LDAP server"}
Forcing removal on ''

There were issues removing a connection: %d format: a number is
required, not str

Failed to get data from '': {'desc':
contact LDAP server"}

This is a traceback I retrieved:
Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "/sbin/ipa-replica-manage", line 425, in del_master
       del_link(realm, r, hostname, options.dirman_passwd, force=True)
     File "/sbin/ipa-replica-manage", line 271, in del_link
line 1094, in cleanallruv
       root_logger.debug("Creating CLEANALLRUV task for replica id
%d" %

The problem here is that you don't convert replica_id to int in this
+    replica_id = None
+    if repl2:
+        replica_id = repl2._get_replica_id(repl2.conn, None)
+    else:
+        servers = get_ruv(realm, replica1, dirman_passwd)
+        for (netloc, rid) in servers:
+            if netloc.startswith(replica2):
+                replica_id = rid
+                break


Updated patch using new mechanism in 389-ds-base. This should more
thoroughly clean out RUV data when a replica is being deleted, and
provide for a way to delete RUV data afterwards too if necessary.


Rebased patch


0) As I wrote in a review for your patch 1041, changelog entry slipped

1) The following KeyboardInterrupt except class looks suspicious. I
know why
you have it there, but since it is generally a bad thing to do, some
why it is needed would be useful.

@@ -256,6 +263,17 @@ def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2,

+    if type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA:
+        if repl2:
+            ruv = repl2._get_replica_id(repl2.conn, None)
+        else:
+            ruv = get_ruv_by_host(realm, replica1, replica2,
+        try:
+            repl1.cleanallruv(ruv)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            pass

Maybe you just wanted to do some cleanup and then "raise" again?

No, it is there because it is safe to break out of it. The task will
continue to run. I added some verbiage.

2) This is related to 1), but when some replica is down,
del" may wait indefinitely when some remote replica is down, right?

# ipa-replica-manage del
Deleting a master is irreversible.
To reconnect to the remote master you will need to prepare a new
replica file
and re-install.
Continue to delete? [no]: y
ipa: INFO: Setting agreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\=idm\,dc\=lab\,dc\=bos\,dc\=redhat\,dc\=com,cn=mapping

tree,cn=config schedule to 2358-2359 0 to force synch
ipa: INFO: Deleting schedule 2358-2359 0 from agreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\=idm\,dc\=lab\,dc\=bos\,dc\=redhat\,dc\=com,cn=mapping

ipa: INFO: Replication Update in progress: FALSE: status: 0 Replica
successfully: Incremental update succeeded: start: 0: end: 0
Background task created to clean replication data

... after about a minute I hit CTRL+C

^CDeleted replication agreement from '' to
Failed to cleanup DNS entries: NS record
does not
contain ''
You may need to manually remove them from the tree

I think it would be better to inform user that some remote replica is
down or
at least that we are waiting for the task to complete. Something like

# ipa-replica-manage del
Background task created to clean replication data
Replication data clean up may take very long time if some replica is
Hit CTRL+C to interrupt the wait
^C Clean up wait interrupted
[continue with del]

Yup, did this in #1.

3) (minor) When there is a cleanruv task running and you run
"ipa-replica-manage del", there is a unexpected error message with
task object in LDAP:

# ipa-replica-manage del --force
Unable to connect to replica, forcing
Failed to get data from '': {'desc': "Can't
contact LDAP server"}
Forcing removal on ''

There were issues removing a connection: This entry already exists

Failed to get data from '': {'desc': "Can't
contact LDAP server"}
Failed to cleanup DNS entries: NS record
does not
contain ''
You may need to manually remove them from the tree

I think it should be enough to just catch for "entry already exists" in
cleanallruv function, and in such case print a relevant error message
bail out.
Thus, self.conn.checkTask(dn, dowait=True) would not be called too.

Good catch, fixed.

4) (minor): In make_readonly function, there is a redundant "pass"

+    def make_readonly(self):
+        """
+        Make the current replication agreement read-only.
+        """
+        dn = DN(('cn', 'userRoot'), ('cn', 'ldbm database'),
+                ('cn', 'plugins'), ('cn', 'config'))
+        mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-readonly', 'on')]
+        try:
+            self.conn.modify_s(dn, mod)
+        except ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS:
+            # We can't make the server we're removing read-only but
+            # this isn't a show-stopper
+            root_logger.debug("No permission to switch replica to
continuing anyway")
+            pass         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Yeah, this is one of my common mistakes. I put in a pass initially, then
add logging in front of it and forget to delete the pass. Its gone now.

5) In clean_ruv, I think allowing a --force option to bypass the
would be helpful (at least for test automation):

+    if not ipautil.user_input("Continue to clean?", False):
+        sys.exit("Aborted")

Yup, added.


Slightly revised patch. I still had a window open with one unsaved change.


Apparently there were two unsaved changes, one of which was lost. This adds in
the 'entry already exists' fix.


Just one last thing (otherwise the patch is OK) - I don't think this is what we
want :-)

# ipa-replica-manage clean-ruv 8
Clean the Replication Update Vector for

Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
consistency. Be very careful.
Continue to clean? [no]: y   <<<<<<

Nor this exception, (your are checking for wrong exception):

# ipa-replica-manage clean-ruv 8
Clean the Replication Update Vector for

Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
consistency. Be very careful.
Continue to clean? [no]:
unexpected error: This entry already exists

This is the exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/sbin/ipa-replica-manage", line 651, in <module>
   File "/sbin/ipa-replica-manage", line 648, in main
     clean_ruv(realm, args[1], options)
   File "/sbin/ipa-replica-manage", line 373, in clean_ruv
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/",
line 1136, in cleanallruv
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/", line 503, in
     self.__handle_errors(e, arg_desc=arg_desc)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/", line 321, in
     raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
ipalib.errors.DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists


Fixed that and a couple of other problems. When doing a disconnect we should not also call clean-ruv.

I also got tired of seeing crappy error messages so I added a little convert utility.

>From 5bf1dca55c03cf28cfb6b35c9bb23f0e85442e4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rob Crittenden <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 14:51:45 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Run the CLEANALLRUV task when deleting a replication

This adds two new commands to ipa-replica-manage: list-ruv & clean-ruv

list-ruv can be use to list the update vectors the master has

clean-ruv can be used to fire off the CLEANRUV task to remove a
replication vector. It should be used with caution.
---                        |   6 +-
 install/share/replica-acis.ldif        |   5 +
 install/tools/ipa-replica-manage       | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1 |  17 ++++
 install/updates/40-replication.update  |   4 +
 install/updates/            |   1 +
 ipaserver/install/       |  39 ++++++++
 7 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 install/updates/40-replication.update

diff --git a/ b/
index cd6ad5fceeb6a82755cbae011f90a8322f660ed3..86833fb5fe4939ee151bfa843d2533d5ec9f17cc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Requires: %{name}-client = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires: %{name}-admintools = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires: %{name}-server-selinux = %{version}-%{release}
 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 17
-Requires(pre): 389-ds-base >=
+Requires(pre): 389-ds-base >=
 Requires(pre): 389-ds-base >=
@@ -752,6 +752,10 @@ fi
 %ghost %attr(0644,root,apache) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ipa/ca.crt
+* Mon Aug 20 2012 Rob Crittenden <> - 2.99.0-44
+- Set min for 389-ds-base to on F17+ to pull in updated
+  RUV code and nsslapd-readonly schema.
 * Mon Aug 20 2012 Rob Crittenden <> - 2.99.0-43
 - Set min for 389-ds-base to on F17+ to pull in warning about
   low nsslapd-cachememsize.
diff --git a/install/share/replica-acis.ldif b/install/share/replica-acis.ldif
index baa6216166eb3c661f771b8ef8346e7ee685f4f2..65dfb7a669965731dfd2c6ac1efd99209a2ea404 100644
--- a/install/share/replica-acis.ldif
+++ b/install/share/replica-acis.ldif
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ changetype: modify
 add: aci
 aci: (targetattr=*)(targetfilter="(|(objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement)(objectclass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement))")(version 3.0;acl "permission:Remove Replication Agreements";allow (delete) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Remove Replication Agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,$SUFFIX";)
+dn: cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
+changetype: modify
+add: aci
+aci: (targetattr=nsslapd-readonly)(version 3.0; acl "Allow marking the database readonly"; allow (write) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Remove Replication Agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,$SUFFIX";)
 dn: cn=tasks,cn=config
 changetype: modify
 add: aci
diff --git a/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage b/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
index 111042ad3f890e112f039cdee8fb0429340e1d04..c6ef51b7215164c9538afae942e3d42285ca860b 100755
--- a/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
+++ b/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import os
 import ldap, re, krbV
 import traceback
+from urllib2 import urlparse
 from ipapython import ipautil
 from ipaserver.install import replication, dsinstance, installutils
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ CACERT = "/etc/ipa/ca.crt"
 # dict of command name and tuples of min/max num of args needed
 commands = {
     "list":(0, 1, "[master fqdn]", ""),
+    "list-ruv":(0, 0, "", ""),
     "connect":(1, 2, "<master fqdn> [other master fqdn]",
                     "must provide the name of the servers to connect"),
     "disconnect":(1, 2, "<master fqdn> [other master fqdn]",
@@ -45,9 +47,21 @@ commands = {
     "del":(1, 1, "<master fqdn>",
                     "must provide hostname of master to delete"),
     "re-initialize":(0, 0, "", ""),
-    "force-sync":(0, 0, "", "")
+    "force-sync":(0, 0, "", ""),
+    "clean-ruv":(1, 1, "Replica ID of to clean", ""),
+def convert_error(exc):
+    """
+    LDAP exceptions are a dictionary, make them prettier.
+    """
+    if isinstance(exc, ldap.LDAPError):
+        desc = exc.args[0]['desc'].strip()
+        info = exc.args[0].get('info', '').strip()
+        return '%s %s' % (desc, info)
+    else:
+        return str(exc)
 def parse_options():
     parser = IPAOptionParser(version=version.VERSION)
     parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", help="starting host")
@@ -132,7 +146,7 @@ def list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, verbose):
         entries = conn.getList(dn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL)
-        print "Failed read master data from '%s': %s" % (host, str(e))
+        print "Failed to read master data from '%s': %s" % (host, str(e))
         for ent in entries:
@@ -177,7 +191,7 @@ def list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, verbose):
             entries = repl.find_replication_agreements()
             ent_type = 'replica'
     except Exception, e:
-        print "Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica, str(e))
+        print "Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica, convert_error(e))
     for entry in entries:
@@ -189,7 +203,21 @@ def list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, verbose):
             print "  last update status: %s" % entry.getValue('nsds5replicalastupdatestatus')
             print "  last update ended: %s" % str(ipautil.parse_generalized_time(entry.getValue('nsds5replicalastupdateend')))
-def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False):
+def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False, clean_ruv=True):
+    """
+    Delete a replication agreement from host A to host B.
+    This can optionally delete the Replication Update Vector (RUV) from
+    all masters. This should only be used when a master is being completely
+    deleted and not simply managing topology.
+    @realm: the Kerberos realm
+    @replica1: the hostname of master A
+    @replica2: the hostname of master B
+    @dirman_passwd: the Directory Manager password
+    @force: force deletion even if one server is down
+    @clean_ruv: remove the replication vector for replica2 completely
+    """
     repl2 = None
@@ -208,7 +236,7 @@ def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False):
         print "'%s' has no replication agreement for '%s'" % (replica1, replica2)
     except Exception, e:
-        print "Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica1, str(e))
+        print "Failed to determine agreement type for '%s': %s" % (replica1, convert_error(e))
     if type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA:
@@ -226,13 +254,17 @@ def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False):
             if not force:
         except Exception, e:
-            print "Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica2, str(e))
+            print "Failed to get list of agreements from '%s': %s" % (replica2, convert_error(e))
             if not force:
     if repl2 and type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA:
         failed = False
+            repl2.make_readonly()
+            repl2.force_sync(repl2.conn, replica1)
+            cn, dn = repl2.agreement_dn(
+            repl2.wait_for_repl_update(repl2.conn, dn, 30)
         except ldap.LDAPError, e:
@@ -241,7 +273,7 @@ def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False):
             print "Unable to remove agreement on %s: %s: %s" % (replica2, desc, info)
             failed = True
         except Exception, e:
-            print "Unable to remove agreement on %s: %s" % (replica2, str(e))
+            print "Unable to remove agreement on %s: %s" % (replica2, convert_error(e))
             failed = True
         if failed:
@@ -256,6 +288,17 @@ def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False):
+    if type1 == replication.IPA_REPLICA and clean_ruv:
+        if repl2:
+            ruv = repl2._get_replica_id(repl2.conn, None)
+        else:
+            ruv = get_ruv_by_host(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd)
+        try:
+            repl1.cleanallruv(ruv)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            print "Wait for task interrupted. It will continue to run in the background"
     if type1 == replication.WINSYNC:
             dn = DN(('cn', replica2), ('cn', 'replicas'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'),
@@ -268,10 +311,93 @@ def del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, force=False):
                     for dn in dns:
         except Exception, e:
-            print "Error deleting winsync replica shared info: %s" % str(e)
+            print "Error deleting winsync replica shared info: %s" % convert_error(e)
     print "Deleted replication agreement from '%s' to '%s'" % (replica1, replica2)
+def get_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd):
+    """
+    Return the RUV entries as a list of tuples: (hostname, rid)
+    """
+    try:
+        thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, host, dirman_passwd)
+    except Exception, e:
+        print "Failed to connect to server %s: %s" % (host, convert_error(e))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    search_filter = '(&(nsuniqueid=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff)(objectclass=nstombstone))'
+    try:
+        entries = thisrepl.conn.search_s(api.env.basedn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL,
+            search_filter, ['nsds50ruv'])
+    except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+        print "No RUV records found."
+        sys.exit(0)
+    servers = []
+    for ruv in entries[0][1]['nsds50ruv']:
+        if ruv.startswith('{replicageneration'):
+            continue
+        data = re.match('\{replica (\d+) (ldap://.*:\d+)\}(\s+\w+\s+\w*){0,1}', ruv)
+        if data:
+            rid =
+            (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(
+            servers.append((netloc, rid))
+        else:
+            print "unable to decode: %s" % ruv
+    return servers
+def list_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, verbose):
+    """
+    List the Replica Update Vectors on this host to get the available
+    replica IDs.
+    """
+    servers = get_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd)
+    for (netloc, rid) in servers:
+        print "%s: %s" % (netloc, rid)
+def get_ruv_by_host(realm, sourcehost, host, dirman_passwd):
+    """
+    Try to determine the RUV by host name.
+    """
+    servers = get_ruv(realm, sourcehost, dirman_passwd)
+    for (netloc, rid) in servers:
+        if '%s:389' % host == netloc:
+            return int(rid)
+def clean_ruv(realm, ruv, options):
+    """
+    Given an RID create a CLEANALLRUV task to clean it up.
+    """
+    try:
+        ruv = int(ruv)
+    except ValueError:
+        sys.exit("Replica ID must be an integer: %s" % ruv)
+    servers = get_ruv(realm,, options.dirman_passwd)
+    found = False
+    for (netloc, rid) in servers:
+        if ruv == int(rid):
+           found = True
+           hostname = netloc
+           break
+    if not found:
+        sys.exit("Replica ID %s not found" % ruv)
+    print "Clean the Replication Update Vector for %s" % hostname
+    print
+    print "Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no"
+    print "longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process"
+    print "is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain"
+    print "consistency. Be very careful."
+    if not options.force and not ipautil.user_input("Continue to clean?", False):
+        sys.exit("Aborted")
+    thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm,,
+                                              options.dirman_passwd)
+    thisrepl.cleanallruv(ruv)
+    print "Cleanup task created"
 def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
     force_del = False
@@ -281,7 +407,7 @@ def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
         thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm,,
     except Exception, e:
-        print "Failed to connect to server %s: %s" % (, str(e))
+        print "Failed to connect to server %s: %s" % (, convert_error(e))
     # 2. Ensure we have an agreement with the master
@@ -297,7 +423,7 @@ def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
             delrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, hostname, options.dirman_passwd)
         except Exception, e:
             if not options.force:
-                print "Unable to delete replica %s: %s" % (hostname, str(e))
+                print "Unable to delete replica %s: %s" % (hostname, convert_error(e))
                 print "Unable to connect to replica %s, forcing removal" % hostname
@@ -330,13 +456,13 @@ def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
             del_link(realm, r, hostname, options.dirman_passwd, force=True)
         except Exception, e:
-            print "There were issues removing a connection: %s" % str(e)
+            print "There were issues removing a connection: %s" % convert_error(e)
     # 5. Finally clean up the removed replica common entries.
         thisrepl.replica_cleanup(hostname, realm, force=True)
     except Exception, e:
-        print "Failed to cleanup %s entries: %s" % (hostname, str(e))
+        print "Failed to cleanup %s entries: %s" % (hostname, convert_error(e))
         print "You may need to manually remove them from the tree"
     # 6. And clean up the removed replica DNS entries if any.
@@ -352,7 +478,7 @@ def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
             bind = bindinstance.BindInstance()
             bind.remove_master_dns_records(hostname, realm, realm.lower())
     except Exception, e:
-        print "Failed to cleanup %s DNS entries: %s" % (hostname, str(e))
+        print "Failed to cleanup %s DNS entries: %s" % (hostname, convert_error(e))
         print "You may need to manually remove them from the tree"
 def add_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, options):
@@ -391,12 +517,11 @@ def add_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, options):
     # the directory server and kill the connection
         repl1 = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, replica1, dirman_passwd)
     except (ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, errors.NotFound):
         print "Cannot find replica '%s'" % replica1
     except Exception, e:
-        print "Failed to get data from '%s': %s" % (replica1, str(e))
+        print "Failed to connect to '%s': %s" % (replica1, convert_error(e))
     if options.winsync:
@@ -513,6 +638,8 @@ def main():
         if len(args) == 2:
             replica = args[1]
         list_replicas(realm, host, replica, dirman_passwd, options.verbose)
+    elif args[0] == "list-ruv":
+        list_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, options.verbose)
     elif args[0] == "del":
         del_master(realm, args[1], options)
     elif args[0] == "re-initialize":
@@ -540,7 +667,9 @@ def main():
         elif len(args) == 2:
             replica1 = host
             replica2 = args[1]
-        del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd)
+        del_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, clean_ruv=False)
+    elif args[0] == "clean-ruv":
+        clean_ruv(realm, args[1], options)
diff --git a/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1 b/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1
index 98103ffdd416f11c44e147e6b4eb84c682da39e0..4a1c489f33591ff6ac98fe7f9a16ebb6a52ee28a 100644
--- a/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1
+++ b/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1
@@ -42,11 +42,23 @@ Manages the replication agreements of an IPA server.
 \- Immediately flush any data to be replicated from a server specified with the \-\-from option
+\- List the replication IDs on this server.
+\fBclean\-ruv\fR [REPLICATION_ID]
+\- Run the CLEANALLRUV task to remove a replication ID.
 The connect and disconnect options are used to manage the replication topology. When a replica is created it is only connected with the master that created it. The connect option may be used to connect it to other existing replicas.
 The disconnect option cannot be used to remove the last link of a replica. To remove a replica from the topology use the del option.
 If a replica is deleted and then re\-added within a short time\-frame then the 389\-ds instance on the master that created it should be restarted before re\-installing the replica. The master will have the old service principals cached which will cause replication to fail.
+Each IPA master server has a unique replication ID. This ID is used by 389\-ds\-base when storing information about replication status. The output consists of the masters and their respective replication ID. See \fBclean\-ruv\fR
+When a master is removed, all other masters need to remove its replication ID from the list of masters. Normally this occurs automatically when a master is deleted with ipa\-replica\-manage. If one or more masters was down or unreachable when ipa\-replica\-manage was executed then this replica ID may still exist. The clean\-ruv command may be used to clean up an unused replication ID.
+\fBNOTE\fR: clean\-ruv is \fBVERY DANGEROUS\fR. Execution against the wrong replication ID can result in inconsistent data on that master. The master should be re\-initialized from another if this happens.
 \fB\-H\fR \fIHOST\fR, \fB\-\-host\fR=\fIHOST\fR
@@ -112,6 +124,11 @@ Completely remove a replica:
  # ipa\-replica\-manage del
 Using connect/disconnect you can manage the replication topology.
+List the replication IDs in use:
+ # ipa\-replica\-manage list\-ruv
+ 7
+ 4
 Creating a Windows AD Synchronization agreement is similar to creating an IPA replication agreement, there are just a couple of extra steps.
diff --git a/install/updates/40-replication.update b/install/updates/40-replication.update
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9e0496be336ec7653e6b1688ad28245014ce6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/updates/40-replication.update
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Let a delegated user put the database into read-only mode when deleting
+# an agreement.
+dn: cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
+add:aci: '(targetattr=nsslapd-readonly)(version 3.0; acl "Allow marking the database readonly"; allow (write) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Remove Replication Agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,$SUFFIX";)'
diff --git a/install/updates/ b/install/updates/
index bc7945d7a5cd77469f7fe7175ebd9da66b9119d1..434fe5bae085c0d2911a5a7592fe9b26f4bbb418 100644
--- a/install/updates/
+++ b/install/updates/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ app_DATA =				\
 	21-ca_renewal_container.update	\
 	30-s4u2proxy.update		\
 	40-delegation.update		\
+	40-replication.update		\
 	40-dns.update			\
 	40-automember.update		\
 	45-roles.update			\
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/ b/ipaserver/install/
index f015c4efd25d05d395f049c3bb91a5553d3ed2c8..552d61841ac20d8ee077a0764ec2443e92ba8c57 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/
+++ b/ipaserver/install/
@@ -1103,3 +1103,42 @@ class ReplicationManager(object):
         if err:
             raise err   #pylint: disable=E0702
+    def make_readonly(self):
+        """
+        Make the current replication agreement read-only.
+        """
+        dn = DN(('cn', 'userRoot'), ('cn', 'ldbm database'),
+                ('cn', 'plugins'), ('cn', 'config'))
+        mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-readonly', 'on')]
+        try:
+            self.conn.modify_s(dn, mod)
+        except ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS:
+            # We can't make the server we're removing read-only but
+            # this isn't a show-stopper
+            root_logger.debug("No permission to switch replica to read-only, continuing anyway")
+    def cleanallruv(self, replicaId):
+        """
+        Create a CLEANALLRUV task and monitor it until it has
+        completed.
+        """
+        root_logger.debug("Creating CLEANALLRUV task for replica id %d" % replicaId)
+        dn = DN(('cn', 'clean %d' % replicaId), ('cn', 'cleanallruv'),('cn', 'tasks'), ('cn', 'config'))
+        e = ipaldap.Entry(dn)
+        e.setValues('objectclass', ['top', 'extensibleObject'])
+        e.setValue('replica-base-dn', api.env.basedn)
+        e.setValue('replica-id', replicaId)
+        e.setValue('cn', 'clean %d' % replicaId)
+        try:
+            self.conn.addEntry(e)
+        except errors.DuplicateEntry:
+            print "CLEANALLRUV task for replica id %d already exists." % replicaId
+        else:
+            print "Background task created to clean replication data. This may take a while."
+        print "This may be safely interrupted with Ctrl+C"
+        self.conn.checkTask(dn, dowait=True)

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