On 10/04/2012 05:06 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:


two attached patches attempt to solve

We cannot make educated guess where trusted domain's DNS server is
located as we ended up with NotFound exception precisely because we were
unable to discover trusted domain's domain controller location.

Thus, all we can do is to suggest ways to fix the issue. Since
suggestion becomes relatively long (multi-line, at least), it creates
few issues for current exception error message handling:
  - root_logger does not use textui to format output
  - textui is only printing to standard output
  - multi-line error messages thus become non-wrapped
  - localizing such messages would become a harder context-wise.

Web UI is showing error message as a single paragraph (<p/>), all
multi-line markup would be lost.

In the end, I decided to support list-based multi-line error messages in
PublicError class. Its constructor will join all list-based arguments
into single string per argument (first patch).

In Web UI I've added special text processing of error messages that
splits message into multiple lines and wraps those which start with a
TAB symbol into 'error-message-hinted' span to visually separate it from
the rest of error message. Trust code uses this to display suggested CLI
command to set up DNS forwarder (second patch).

In the end, CLI shows such error message fine (note tabulated CLI command):
# ipa trust-add --type=ad --admin Administrator@ad.local1 --password
Active directory domain administrator's password: ipa: ERROR: Unable to
resolve domain controller for 'ad.local1' domain. IPA manages DNS,
please configure forwarder to 'ad.local1' domain by using following CLI
command. Please replace DNS_SERVER and IP_ADDRESS by name and address of
the domain's name server:
     ipa dnszone-add ad.local1 --name-server=DNS_SERVER
--admin-email='hostmaster@ad.local1' --force --forwarder=IP_ADDRESS
When using Web UI, please create DNS zone for domain 'ad.local1' first
and then set forwarder and forward policy

Web UI looks like this: http://abbra.fedorapeople.org/.paste/ui.png

You have undeclared identifier: lines.

I recommend to run `jsl -conf jsl.conf` command in install/ui folder to prevent these issues.

I'm not convinced that "beautify" call should be in command object. I would rather see it in error_dialog.

I'm not sure that all tabbed error text should be red. But I don't recall any other usage so it's probably OK.
Petr Vobornik

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