On 11/27/2012 04:50 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
On 11/20/2012 6:54 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
New design page:

Link to design page was added to tickets #3200 and #2910.

In the ticket list of previous mail is a mistake. This effort is related
to tickets #3200, #2910 and #2884. Probably commit messages should be


Pushed to master.

I had to do some reading on mixin, but the patches look good.

Just some comments and related issues:

1. In patch #230 the inheritance is inverted. Previously the
confirmation dialog inherits from message dialog. Now it's the other way
around. Usually the higher the class in the hierarchy it will become
more abstract and simpler. In this patch the confirmation dialog has an
OK and a Cancel buttons, but then the message dialog simplifies it by
removing the Cancel button.

The code itself works just fine, but if it were me I'd try to keep the
original hierarchy. On the other hand, OO discussion often times comes
down to preference, so this is not really an issue.

When we look at it I added some kind of confirmation to every dialog. So maybe the mixin can be incorporated to the dialog base class itself. On the other hand, if we considered the dialog class as a part of separated framework (which is long-term target), the implementation might become too specific. I will leave it as is for the time being.

2. It might be useful to show which button is the default button. On
some OS's the default button is shown with bolder text or thicker border.

How about highlighting the default button as if it were in focus (i.e.
shown with black background)? If you change focus to another button then
the default button will go back to normal (grey), but the point is
there's always a highlighted button which will be activated if you hit
Enter anywhere in the dialog.


3. The drop-down list cannot be operated with a keyboard. This is a
separate issue.

4. The focus area (surrounded by dotted lines) of the down arrow in the
drop-down list is incorrect. Try clicking inside a drop-down list, then
hit Tab. Right now the focus area appears on the right side of the arrow
and very tiny. Ideally the focus area should be a box around the arrow.
This is also a separate issue.

#3, #4: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3324

Petr Vobornik

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